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Contributions guidelines

How to provide changes

Be sure, before creating a Pull Request, to:

  1. To install and use Perl::Tidy in your code.
  2. Run the tests under t and xt.
  3. Make sure to add the comments VERSION and ABSTRACT in case of new packages.

Always create branches from the master branch.

How to extend KernelReleases

You favorite Linux distribution might have available more information that you want available. In order to have that, you must subclass Linux::Info::KernelRelease superclass.

  1. Create a new subdirectory under t/samples/kernel with the distribution name.
  2. In this new directory, create a file named sys_osrelease with the content of /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease file.
  3. Create another file named version with the content of /proc/version.
  4. Under lib/Linux/Info/KernelRelease directory, create a new file with the distribution name, using camel case.
  5. In this file, make sure to inherit from the class Linux::Info::KernelRelease.
  6. Override the method _set_proc_ver_regex.
  7. Add new getters for additional attributes with Class::XSAccessor.
  8. Create a new test under t named kernel-release-<DISTRO NAME>.t.

Adding a new Distribution

The process should look like the same for KernelReleases, but with one big difference: you must decided if the information available will be fetched from /etc/os-release or any other, distribution specific, file.

The /etc/os-release is becoming a standard between distributions and parsing it will be easier because most of the job is already taken care by the classes Linux::Info::Distribution and Linux::Info::Distribution::OSRelease.

For the second case, it will be more complex. You will need to inherit from Linux::Info::Distribution::Custom and work on a regular expression that, hopefully, will be enough to extract the information.

Also, you probably will need to take a look at Linux::Info::DistributionFinder too.

In both cases, updating the class Linux::Info::DistributionFactory is required.