= 2023/05/10
Fix for a warning introduced in Text::Wrap in post-5.6 perls
= 2023/05/09
Minimum Perl version raised to 5.6.1 to reflect the existing situation
Support for Perl 5.6 is now fully correct
Fix for failure to wrap very long words with overflow. (RT #124024)
Thanks for the report to Andrew Beverley
Fix for failure to handle combining marks at the start of line/string. (RT #148291)
Thanks for the report to Mario Paumann
Correct handling of non-breaking spaces when wrapping. (RT #95823)
Requested by Kent Fredric, who is dearly missed
= 2021/08/14
Missing changelog entry
= 2021/08/13
No warnings on undef inputs (broken in 2021.0726)
= 2021/08/04
Removal of reference benchmark from test suite (moved to xt/bench)
= 2021/07/26
Unicode support on all supported versions of Perl
Full strict and warnings cleanliness
Packaging cleanups
= 2021/07/17
Makefile.PL fixes
Explicitly declared strictures and warnings everywhere
(to support -Dusedefaultstrict perls)
= 2013/05/23
Change module 'NAME'
= 2013/05/22
= 2013/04/26
Minor test suite fixes - bug 81698.
Fixed bug 79766 -- an extraneous "=" in a regex.
Changed the license to qualify as an "open source" license.
= 2012/08/18
Packaging fix.
Minor documentation fixes.
= 2012/08/15
Minor fixes to test suites.
Added back versions to support old versions of perl.
= 2009/04/17
Added support for Unicode combining characters to both
Text::Tabs and Text::Wrap, plus a new test suite for each
of these new functionalities. --tchrist
= 2009/03/05
Test improvements from Dave Mitchel sent back in 2005...
Added code to increase $columns if it's not big enough to accommodate
the subsequent tab.
Minor documentation fixes from David Landgren <david at landgren.net>.
Use warnings::warnif instead of just warn for columns < 2. Appled per
request of Rafael Garcia-Suarez <rgarciasuarez at gmail.com>.
= 2006/11/17
Text::Tabs can handle newlines now so the BUGS section has been removed
per request from Aristotle Pagaltzis.
= 2006/07/11
Further bomb-proofing to pass more tests: Dan Jacobson <jidanni at
jidanni dot org> found another way to generate a "this shouldn't happen".
= 2006/07/05
Made documentation and code changes to address perlbug:
Added in changes from the distributed-with-perl version. This took
care of perlbug: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=34902
It also took care of suggestion from Matthijs Bomhoff <matthijs
at bomhoff dot nl>.
Made documentation changes (added EXAMPLES) as per a suggestion
from Gabor Blasko <gblasko at cs dot columbia dot edu>
belg4mit at MIT dot EDU reported that $columns==1 die'd. No longer.
Added tests for each bug report.
= 2005/08/24
Added $separator2 and tests for $separator and $separator2
Aristotle Pagaltzis <pagaltzis at gmx.de> contributed a new version of
expand() that is faster.
Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi at cc.hut.fi> sent in perl change #17917 which
fixed a bug in wrap.
Matthew Durante <matthew_durante at hotmail.com> and
Don Buchholz <don at truedisk.com> sent in a doc patches.
= 2001/09/29
Philip Newton <Philip.Newton at gmx.net> sent in a clean patch that
added support for defining words differently; that prevents
Text::Wrap from untainting strings; and that fixes a documentation
So that fill.t can be used in the version included in the perl
distribution, fill.t no longer uses File::Slurp.
Both Sweth Chandramouli <svc at sweth.net> and Drew Degentesh
<ddegentesh at daed.com> both objected to the automatic unexpand
that Text::Wrap does on its results. Drew sent a patch which
has been integrated.
Way back in '97, Joel Earl <jrearl at VNET.IBM.COM> asked that
it be possible to use a line separator other than \n when
adding new lines. There is now support for that.
= 2001/01/30
Bugfix by Michael G Schwern <schwern at pobox.com>: don't add extra
whitespace when working one an array of input (as opposed to a
single string).
Performance rewrite: use m/\G/ rather than s///.
You can now specify that words that are too long to wrap can simply
overflow the line. Feature requested by James Hoagland
<hoagland at SiliconDefense.com> and by John Porter <jdporter at min.net>.
Documentation changes from Rich Bowen <Rich at cre8tivegroup.com>.
= 1998/11/29
Combined Fill.pm into Wrap.pm. It appears there are versions of
Wrap.pm with fill in them.
= 1998/11/28
Over the last couple of years, many people sent in various
rewrites of Text::Wrap. I should have done something about
updating it long ago. If someone wants to take it over from
me, discuss it in perl-porters. I'll be happy to hand it
Anyway, I have a bunch of people to thank. I didn't
use what any of them sent in, but I did take ideas from
all of them. Many sent in complete new implamentations.
Ivan Brawley <ibrawley at awadi.com.au>
Jacqui Caren <Jacqui.Caren at ig.co.uk>
Jeff Kowalski <jeff.kowalski at autodesk.com>
Allen Smith <easmith at beatrice.rutgers.edu>
Sullivan N. Beck <sbeck at cise.ufl.edu>
The end result is a very slight change in the API. There
is now an additional package variable: $Text::Wrap::huge.
When $huge is set to 'die' then long words will cause
wrap() to die. When it is set to 'wrap', long words will
be wrapped. The default is 'wrap'.
This is a change in behavior.
At the bottom of Text::Wrap, there was a function (fill())
sitting there unpublished. There was a note that Tim Pierce
had a faster version, but a search on CPAN failed to turn it
up. Text::Fill is now available.