Revision history for XML-Atom-SimpleFeed

0.8  Wed Sep 28 03:49:48 2005
        - Emit Atom 1.0. Documentation updated to reflect Atom 1.0. Usage
          according to Atom 0.3 will transparently generate 1.0 elements but
          emit deprectation warnings.
        - Remove _generate_entry_id and use HTTP URLs as IDs by default. Using
          tag: URIs is useful for generating the ID once, up front, so that it
          won't change even if the permalink does. But if the ID is generated
          from the permalink, we might as well use the permalink itself.
        - Use a SAX2 handler instead of XML::Simple for output.

0.7  Wed May 06 11:06:00 2005
        - Fix the module prereq in Makefile.PL to actually do the proper 
          dependency tests.  Oops.

0.6  Wed Apr 27 21:55:00 2005
        - Use XML::Simple to generate the XML, instead of doing strings by hand.
        - Make the module more robust: it now can handle multiple titles, 
          links, etc. by passing in arrayrefs and hashrefs, while still 
          allowing for simple use with strings.
        - Many thanks to Aristotle Pagaltzis for the help.

0.5  Wed Mar  9 20:59:00 2005
        - Add an as_string method to return the feed as a scalar.
        - Escape any <![CDATA[ or ]]> strings that appear in the content
          CDATA section.
        - Allow the save_file method to take either an open filehandle or 
          a scalar containing a filename.
        - These issues reported by Aristotle Pagaltzis.

0.4  Tue Feb 22 12:40:00 2005
        - Rework the author code again to fixe more bugs that I probably should have
          caught before releasing 0.3.  Sigh.

0.3  Tue Feb 22 12:20:00 2005
        - Fixed a bug in the entry author section where the author name was always
          showing up as "name".  CPAN RT ID# 11620
        - Fixed a similar bug in the feed-level author section.
        - Happy Birthday, Holly!

0.2  Sat Feb 19 14:04:00 2005
        - Adjust the XML encoding to produce valid feeds.

0.1  Fri Feb 18 17:23:51 2005
        - Initial release.
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
          -X -n XML::Atom::SimpleFeed