package Mojo::Server::FastCGI; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Server'; use Errno qw/EAGAIN EINTR EWOULDBLOCK/; use IO::Socket; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_FASTCGI_DEBUG} || 0; our $VERSION = '0.3'; # Roles my @ROLES = qw/RESPONDER AUTHORIZER FILTER/; my %ROLE_NUMBERS; { my $i = 1; for my $role (@ROLES) { $ROLE_NUMBERS{$role} = $i; $i++; } } # Types my @TYPES = qw/ BEGIN_REQUEST ABORT_REQUEST END_REQUEST PARAMS STDIN STDOUT STDERR DATA GET_VALUES GET_VALUES_RESULT UNKNOWN_TYPE /; my %TYPE_NUMBERS; { my $i = 1; for my $type (@TYPES) { $TYPE_NUMBERS{$type} = $i; $i++; } } # "Wow! Homer must have got one of those robot cars! # *Car crashes in background* # Yeah, one of those AMERICAN robot cars." sub accept_connection { my $self = shift; # Listen socket unless ($self->{listen}) { my $listen = IO::Socket->new; # Open unless ($listen->fdopen(0, 'r')) { $self->app->log->error("Can't open FastCGI socket fd0: $!"); return; } $self->{listen} = $listen; } $self->app->log->debug('FastCGI listen socket opened.') if DEBUG; # Accept my $c; unless ($c = $self->{listen}->accept) { $self->app->log->error("Can't accept FastCGI connection: $!"); return; } $self->app->log->debug('Accepted FastCGI connection.') if DEBUG; return $c; } sub read_record { my ($self, $c) = @_; return unless $c; # Header my $header = $self->_read_chunk($c, 8); return unless $header; my ($version, $type, $id, $clen, $plen) = unpack 'CCnnC', $header; # Body my $body = $self->_read_chunk($c, $clen + $plen); # No content, just paddign bytes $body = undef unless $clen; # Ignore padding bytes $body = $plen ? substr($body, 0, $clen, '') : $body; if (DEBUG) { my $t = $self->type_name($type); $self->app->log->debug( qq/Reading FastCGI record: $type - $id - "$body"./); } return $self->type_name($type), $id, $body; } sub read_request { my ($self, $c) = @_; $self->app->log->debug('Reading FastCGI request.') if DEBUG; # Transaction my $tx = $self->can('build_tx') ? $self->build_tx : $self->on_transaction->($self); $tx->connection($c); my $req = $tx->req; # Type my ($type, $id, $body) = $self->read_record($c); unless ($type && $type eq 'BEGIN_REQUEST') { $self->app->log->info("First FastCGI record wasn't a begin request."); return; } $ENV{FCGI_ID} = $tx->{fcgi_id} = $id; # Role/Flags my ($role, $flags) = unpack 'nC', $body; $ENV{FCGI_ROLE} = $tx->{fcgi_role} = $self->role_name($role); # Slurp my $buffer = ''; my $env = {}; while (($type, $id, $body) = $self->read_record($c)) { # Wrong id next unless $id == $tx->{fcgi_id}; # Params if ($type eq 'PARAMS') { # Normal param chunk if ($body) { $buffer .= $body; next; } # Params done while (length $buffer) { # Name and value length my $name_len = $self->_nv_length(\$buffer); my $value_len = $self->_nv_length(\$buffer); # Name and value my $name = substr $buffer, 0, $name_len, ''; my $value = substr $buffer, 0, $value_len, ''; # Environment $env->{$name} = $value; $self->app->log->debug(qq/FastCGI param: $name - "$value"./) if DEBUG; # Store connection information $tx->remote_address($value) if $name =~ /REMOTE_ADDR/i; $tx->local_port($value) if $name =~ /SERVER_PORT/i; } } # Stdin elsif ($type eq 'STDIN') { # Environment if (keys %$env) { $req->parse($env); $env = {}; } # EOF last unless $body; # Chunk $req->parse($body); # Error return $tx if $req->error; } } return $tx; } sub role_name { my ($self, $role) = @_; return unless $role; return $ROLES[$role - 1]; } sub role_number { my ($self, $role) = @_; return unless $role; return $ROLE_NUMBERS{uc $role}; } sub run { my $self = shift; # Preload application $self->app; # New incoming request while (my $c = $self->accept_connection) { # Request my $tx = $self->read_request($c); # Error unless ($tx) { $self->app->log->info("No transaction for FastCGI request."); next; } # Handle $self->app->log->debug('Handling FastCGI request.') if DEBUG; $self->can('emit') ? $self->emit(request => $tx) : $self->on_request->($self, $tx); # Response $self->write_response($tx); # Finish transaction $tx->server_close; } } sub type_name { my ($self, $type) = @_; return unless $type; return $TYPES[$type - 1]; } sub type_number { my ($self, $type) = @_; return unless $type; return $TYPE_NUMBERS{uc $type}; } sub write_records { my ($self, $c, $type, $id, $body) = @_; return unless defined $c && defined $type && defined $id; $body ||= ''; # Write records my $empty = $body ? 0 : 1; my $offset = 0; my $body_len = length $body; while (($body_len > 0) || $empty) { # Need to split content my $payload_len = $body_len > 32 * 1024 ? 32 * 1024 : $body_len; my $pad_len = (8 - ($payload_len % 8)) % 8; # FCGI version 1 record my $template = "CCnnCxa${payload_len}x$pad_len"; if (DEBUG) { my $chunk = substr($body, $offset, $payload_len); $self->app->log->debug( qq/Writing FastCGI record: $type - $id - "$chunk"./); } # Write whole record my $record = pack $template, 1, $self->type_number($type), $id, $payload_len, $pad_len, substr($body, $offset, $payload_len); my $woffset = 0; while ($woffset < length $record) { my $written = $c->syswrite($record, undef, $woffset); # Error unless (defined $written) { # Retry next if $! == EAGAIN || $! == EINTR || $! == EWOULDBLOCK; # Write error return; } $woffset += $written; } $body_len -= $payload_len; $offset += $payload_len; # Done last if $empty; } return 1; } sub write_response { my ($self, $tx) = @_; $self->app->log->debug('Writing FastCGI response.') if DEBUG; # Status my $res = $tx->res; my $code = $res->code || 404; my $message = $res->message || $res->default_message; $res->headers->status("$code $message") unless $res->headers->status; # Fix headers $res->fix_headers; # Headers my $c = $tx->connection; my $offset = 0; while (1) { my $chunk = $res->get_header_chunk($offset); # No headers yet, try again unless (defined $chunk) { sleep 1; next; } # End of headers last unless length $chunk; # Headers $offset += length $chunk; return unless $self->write_records($c, 'STDOUT', $tx->{fcgi_id}, $chunk); } # Body $offset = 0; while (1) { my $chunk = $res->get_body_chunk($offset); # No content yet, try again unless (defined $chunk) { sleep 1; next; } # End of content last unless length $chunk; # Content $offset += length $chunk; return unless $self->write_records($c, 'STDOUT', $tx->{fcgi_id}, $chunk); } # The end return unless $self->write_records($c, 'STDOUT', $tx->{fcgi_id}, undef); return unless $self->write_records($c, 'END_REQUEST', $tx->{fcgi_id}, pack('CCCCCCCC', 0)); } sub _nv_length { my ($self, $bodyref) = @_; # Try first byte my $len = unpack 'C', substr($$bodyref, 0, 1, ''); # 4 byte length if ($len & 0x80) { $len = pack 'C', $len & 0x7F; substr $len, 1, 0, substr($$bodyref, 0, 3, ''); $len = unpack 'N', $len; } return $len; } sub _read_chunk { my ($self, $c, $len) = @_; # Read my $chunk = ''; while (length $chunk < $len) { my $read = $c->sysread(my $buffer, $len - length $chunk, 0); unless (defined $read) { next if $! == EAGAIN || $! == EINTR || $! == EWOULDBLOCK; last; } last unless $read; $chunk .= $buffer; } return $chunk; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Mojo::Server::FastCGI - FastCGI Server =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::Server::FastCGI; my $fcgi = Mojo::Server::FastCGI->new; $fcgi->on_request(sub { my ($self, $tx) = @_; # Request my $method = $tx->req->method; my $path = $tx->req->url->path; # Response $tx->res->code(200); $tx->res->headers->content_type('text/plain'); $tx->res->body("$method request for $path!"); # Resume transaction $tx->resume; }); $fcgi->run; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::Server::FastCGI> is a portable pure-Perl FastCGI implementation as described in the C<FastCGI Specification>. See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook> for deployment recipes. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojo::Server::FastCGI> inherits all attributes from L<Mojo::Server>. =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::Server::FastCGI> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Server> and implements the following new ones. =head2 C<accept_connection> my $c = $fcgi->accept_connection; Accept FastCGI connection. =head2 C<read_record> my ($type, $id, $body) = $fcgi->read_record($c); Parse FastCGI record. =head2 C<read_request> my $tx = $fcgi->read_request($c); Parse FastCGI request. =head2 C<role_name> my $name = $fcgi->role_name(3); FastCGI role name. =head2 C<role_number> my $number = $fcgi->role_number('FILTER'); FastCGI role number. =head2 C<run> $fcgi->run; Start FastCGI. =head2 C<type_name> my $name = $fcgi->type_name(5); FastCGI type name. =head2 C<type_number> my $number = $fcgi->type_number('STDIN'); FastCGI type number. =head2 C<write_records> $fcgi->write_record($c, 'STDOUT', $id, 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'); Write FastCGI record. =head2 C<write_response> $fcgi->write_response($tx); Write FastCGI response. =head1 DEBUGGING You can set the C<MOJO_FASTCGI_DEBUG> environment variable to get some advanced diagnostics information sent to the L<Mojo> logger as C<debug> messages. MOJO_FASTCGI_DEBUG=1 =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut