Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::View::Wkhtmltopdf.

    - Typos

    - Factored out rendering to render(), which can also be called
      directly to get PDF in a variable instead of outputting it
    - Default tmpdir is now guessed through File::Spec instead
      of assuming it to be /tmp
    - The name of the TemplateToolkit view is now a configuration
      option (which defaults to "TT")
    - Switch to semantic versioning
    - Fixed bugs here and there

    - Fixed bug if passing a TT template (jegade)
    - Add "orientation" option (jegade)

    - Changed a // to || so now the lib works on perl 5.8.x as well

    - remove a 0 from version number ;-)
    - fix doc

0.00001  Mon Mar 14 2011
    - original version