Revision history for Perl extension Image::VisualConfirmation.

    - switch to Dist::Zilla
    - new versioning scheme
    - fix tests at last, hopefully (by setting a 'ft2' DEFAULT_FONT_TYPE
      for vera.ttf (thanks Franck Perrot for pointing the problem out)
    - added recommendation to pass font_type if using custom font_file
    - added sample usage in examples directory

    - added the option to explictly specify font_type for
      a font_file (RT bug #61901) 

    - fix tests to work with newer Imager

    - lotta more tests
    - documentation improvements
    - image method now forwards options to Imager write method
0.02  Thu May 25 2006
    - background color is now random
    - removed "bgcolor" useless attribute
    - improved visibility of the text by limiting colors
    - improved challenge by adding noise and sharpen filters to the
    - added support for "code" parameter
    - improved documentation
    - code cleaning

0.01  Thu May 25 2006
    - original version