Revision history for Perl extension Parse::Stallion.

     evaluation can now occur during parsing, replacing
     on_start, on_match, and on_unmatch

     example directory

     parse returns trace of each step

     optional rule one letter abbreviation changed from p to z
     optional rule also allows naming of zero_or_one

     mutliple rules' minimum handling fixed

     fixed to handle white space

     not croak when a parse fails

0.009  Multiple rules can now have named-subrules when defining
       them.  Demonstrated in Parse::Stallion::CSV.
       Minor changes to the documentation.
       Parse::Stallion::CSV was corrected to handle
       quotes and the documentation for it was expanded.

0.008  Modified test script date_with_no_end_string.t to handle different operating
 systems that have different localtimes

0.007  Modified test script date_parsing.t to handle different operating
 systems that have different localtimes?

0.006  Modified test script date_parsing.t to handle different operating
 systems that apparently have a different epoch.

0.005  Originally released version.