Revision history for Perl extension EyeDrops
0.01 Sun Sep 23 11:35:12 2001
- original version
0.02 Tue Sep 25 18:05:02 2001
- improved documentation
- new functions: get_builtin_shapes, get_eye_shapes
- extra tests added
0.03 Sun Sep 30 14:07:03 2001
- fixed die within eval with new TrapEvalDie attribute
- new test t/nasty.t added to test TrapEvalDie
- fixed SIG warnings with new TrapWarn attribute
- improved filler: added $_ to $:
- changed encoding from octal (%o) to hex (%x)
for chars in range 128..255; this reduces binary
encoding size
- minor performance improvements
- minor shape improvements
0.04 Sun Oct 7 11:31:42 2001
- minor improvements to documentation
- new tests t/recur.t and t/limit.t
- crude test for END block added
0.05 Sun Oct 14 17:19:42 2001
- minor fixes to demo/
- new shape file, spoon.eye
- minor improvements to documentation