# -*-n3-*-
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
@prefix asc: <http://aaronland.info/ns/changefile/> .
dc:identifier "$Id: Changes,v 1.41 2008/03/03 16:55:04 asc Exp $" ;
dc:description "Changes for Net::Delicious.pm" ;
dcterms:references <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-1.13.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.13" ;
doap:created "2008-03-03" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed my $root redeclaration - http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=25760" ;
asc:updat "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-1.11.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.12" ;
doap:created "2007-07-05" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed missing 'my' declaration" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-1.1.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.11" ;
doap:created "2007-03-25" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed bug setting private __updates variable; http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=25760" ;
asc:update "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-1.01.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.1" ;
doap:created "2006-10-23" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "env_proxy not proxy_env...guh" ;
asc:bugfix "Remove N:D:Config::Api from tests" ;
asc:bugfix "Add Config::Simple to dependency list in Build.PL" ;
asc:bugfix "Ensure that $type exists before testing it (in _validateinput)" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-1.0.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.01" ;
doap:created "2006-06-21" ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added 'user_agent' helper method per RT ticket #12981" ;
asc:update "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.99.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.0" ;
doap:created "2006-06-19" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Noted dependency on Crypt::SSLeay" ;
asc:bugfix "Fixed sloppy typo calling _mk_no" ;
asc:addition "Added new configs and the ability to update them on the fly" ;
asc:addition "Added the option to specify XML parser and the ability to force return of XML parser-ed objects" ;
asc:update "Removed deprecated 'inbox' methods" ;
asc:update "removed N:D:Constants::Api" ;
asc:update "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.96.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.99" ;
doap:created "2006-06-05" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Use 'v1' endpoint" ;
asc:addition "Added code/methods to account for private bookmarks" ;
asc:update "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.95.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.96" ;
doap:created "2006-01-10" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Applied to patch to use URI.pm when building URIs (thanks to Daniel Westermann-Clark)" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.95_01.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.95" ;
doap:created "2005-12-30" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Blessed for release." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.94.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.95_01" ;
doap:created "2005-12-28" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Ensure that the '__updates' key points to a real live directory." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.93.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.94" ;
doap:created "2005-12-13" ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added Net::Delicious 'all_posts_for_url' helper method." ;
asc:addition "Added 'as_hashref' method for safely serializing (and re-blessing) objects. Added Net::Delicious::Object base class." ;
asc:update "All the inbox related methods now return an error as they are no longer part of the del.cio.us API. Eventually they will be removed from the package altogether." ;
asc:update "Updated 'posts'method to accept 'url' parameter." ;
asc:update "Updated VERSION numbers for all Net::Delicious::* packages to match Net::Delicious.pm" ;
asc:update "Updated t/01-load.t to load all packages." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.92.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.93" ;
doap:created "2005-12-11" ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added bundle related methods and Net::Delicious::Bundle package." ;
asc:addition "Added MANIFEST.SKIP." ;
asc:update "Updated '_isdone' method to account for RESPONSE_OK." ;
asc:update "Updated POD." ;
asc:update "Updated 'Changes' file to use N3 format." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.91.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.92" ;
doap:created "2004-12-10" ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added 'update' method and corresponding constants in N:D:C:Api.";
asc:update "Replaced Extutils::MakeMaker with Module::Build." ;
asc:update "Updated 'all_posts' to account for last updated. (Note to self : What the hell does that *mean* ?!)" ;
asc:update "Updated POD." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.9.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.91" ;
doap:created "2004-10-08" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed bug in N:D:P constructor that was ignoring tags when invoked in a 'recent_posts' context." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.8.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.9" ;
doap:created "2004-10-06" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed a syntax error in error logging." ;
asc:addition "Added 'delete_post' method." ;
asc:update "Pass version number as part of User-Agent string." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.71.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.8" ;
doap:created "2004-10-06" ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added 'all_posts' and updated 'recent_posts' per changes to the API : <http://lists.burri.to/pipermail/delicious-discuss/2004-September/001112.html>." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.7.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.71" ;
doap:created "2004-09-20" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed tag(s) method in N:D:P." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.6.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.7" ;
doap:created "2004-09-17" ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added hooks to pause between requests and back-off when service returns 503." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.5.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.6" ;
doap:created "2004-07-08" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed bug where get/recent posts were all mixed up - d'oh! (RT ticket # 6890.)" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.4.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.5" ;
doap:created "2004-03-08" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Check wantarray to return empty list or undef in API methods that return stuff." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.4_01.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.4" ;
doap:created "2004-03-04" ;
asc:changes [
asc:comment "Blessed as version 0.4." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.3.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.4_01" ;
doap:created "2004-03-08" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed broken 'tag' method in N:D:T (gah!)" ;
asc:bugfix "Fixed bug in 'tags' and 'inbox_subscriptions' methods where '_getresults' wasn't being called at all." ;
asc:addition "Added N:D:User package." ;
asc:addition "Added 'user' method to N:D:Post" ;
asc:update "Replaced all instances of '_request' with '_sendrequest'" ;
asc:update "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.2.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.3" ;
doap:created "2004-02-09" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Updated N:D:Post to export an 'extended' object method." ;
asc:update "Replaced use Data::Denter with YAML and made sure to require it in Makefile.PL" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.1.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.2" ;
doap:created "2004-02-01" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/Net-Delicious-0.1_01.tar.gz> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.1" ;
doap:created "2004-01-30" ;
asc:changes [
asc:comment "Hey look, the methods actually return useful stuff now!" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "0.1_01" ;
doap:created "2004-01-26" ;
asc:changes [
asc:comment "Initial release." ;
] .
a doap:Project ;
doap:download-page "http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Delicious/" ;
doap:download-mirror "http://aaronland.info/perl/net/delicious/" .