# -*-n3-*-
@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
@prefix asc: <http://aaronland.info/ns/changefile/> .
dc:identifier "$Id: Changes,v 1.9 2006/08/25 14:21:56 asc Exp $" ;
dc:description "Changes for Net::Flickr::API.pm" ;
dcterms:references <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/> .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/api/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/Net-Flickr-API-1.5_01.tar.gz>;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.5" ;
doap:created "2006-08-25" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Bless as 1.5" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/api/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/Net-Flickr-API-1.4.tar.gz>;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.5_01" ;
doap:created "2006-08-23" ;
asc:changes [
asc:update "Enforce user defined 'api_handler' config option. THIS CHANGE IS NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE." ;
asc:bugfix "Back out changes from dev branch that were accidentally committed." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/api/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/Net-Flickr-API-1.3.tar.gz>;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.4" ;
doap:created "2006-08-18" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Ensure api signature is generated correctly" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/api/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/Net-Flickr-API-1.2.tar.gz>;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.3" ;
doap:created "2006-06-22" ;
asc:changes [
asc:addition "Added reporting handler" ;
asc:update "Require Flickr::API 0.09; require 'api_handler' config parameter" ;
asc:update "Convert Changes file to N3" ;
asc:update "Updated POD" ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/api/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/Net-Flickr-API-1.1.tar.gz>;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.2" ;
doap:created "2005-12-17" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "ARGH. Return 1 like, you know, a module should." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/api/> ;
dcterms:replaces <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/Net-Flickr-API-1.0.tar.gz>;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.1" ;
doap:created "2005-09-25" ;
asc:changes [
asc:bugfix "Fixed POD typos." ;
] .
dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/api/> ;
doap:Version [
doap:revision "1.0" ;
doap:created "2005-09-25" ;
asc:changes [
asc:comment "Initial release." ;
] .
a doap:Project ;
doap:download-page "http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Flickr-API/" ;
doap:download-mirror "http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/api/" .