# -*-n3-*-

@prefix dc:      <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix doap:    <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
@prefix asc:     <http://aaronland.info/ns/changefile/> .
        dc:identifier           "$Id: Changes,v 1.4 2007/08/26 04:22:49 asc Exp $" ;
        dc:description          "Changes for Net::Flickr::Geo.pm" ;
        dcterms:references      <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/geo/> .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/geo/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/geo/Net-Flickr-Geo-0.3.tar.gz> ;

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "0.4" ;
                        doap:created      "2007-08-25" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:update        "Replace system calls to the Modest Maps compose script with Hooks to use ModestMaps ws-compose.py web service to fetch maps tiles" ;
                        asc:comment       "If you were using the ModestMaps hooks in version 0.3 you will need to update your code" ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/geo/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/geo/Net-Flickr-Geo-0.2.tar.gz> ;

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "0.3" ;
                        doap:created      "2007-07-02" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:addition      "Hooks to use ModestMaps compose.py to fetch maps tiles" ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/geo/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/geo/Net-Flickr-Geo-0.1.tar.gz> ;

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "0.2" ;
                        doap:created      "2007-06-08" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:update        "Allow user defined map dimensions" ;
                        asc:update        "Allow user defined map radius; set zoom level based on photo accuracy" ;
                        asc:bugfix        "Fixed errors in Changes files." ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/geo/> ;

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "0.1" ;
                        doap:created      "2007-06-07" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:comment       "Initial release." ;
                        ] .

        a doap:Project ;
        doap:download-page      "http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Flickr-Geo/" ;
        doap:download-mirror    "http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/geo/" .