# -*-n3-*-

@prefix dc:      <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
@prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> .
@prefix doap:    <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> .
@prefix asc:     <http://aaronland.info/ns/changefile/> .
        dc:identifier           "$Id: Changes,v 1.18 2006/06/23 14:39:33 asc Exp $" ;
        dc:description          "Changes for Net::Flickr::RDF.pm" ;
        dcterms:references      <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/> .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.7.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.8" ;
                        doap:created      "2006-06-23" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:update        "Call binmode as an object method, if possible; This is an IO::Scalar-ism to support storing RDF inline in Net::Flickr::Backup 2.7" ;
                        asc:update        "Updated POD" ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.6.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.7" ;
                        doap:created      "2006-05-30" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:bugfix        "Ensure that dateTimeOriginal/Digitized EXIF properties are W3CDTF, per RT report 18748" ;
                        asc:update        "Moved the bulk of the EXIF data from the description of the photo page to an '...#exif' description (and added rdfs:seeAlso pointers where necessary), per RT report 18749." ;
                        asc:update        "Updated POD" ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.5.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.6" ;
                        doap:created      "2006-03-13" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:addition      "Add support for comments." ;
                        asc:addition      "Add support for geotags by reading 'geo:lat' and 'geo:long' Flickr tags (experimental)." ;
                        asc:addition      "Added 'build_photo_uri' package method." ;
                        asc:update        "Updated POD." ;
                        asc:update        "Updated Changes file to use RDF/N3." ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.4.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.5" ;
                        doap:created      "2005-12-17" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:bugfix        "Fixed a bug looking for an element called 'descption' rather than 'description'." ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.3.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.4" ;
                        doap:created      "2005-12-17" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:update        "Require Net::Flickr::API 1.2." ;
                        asc:bugfix        "Fixed to return 1 like all good modules do." ;
                        asc:bugfix        "Fixed MANIFEST to, you know, point to the right files." ;
                        asc:bugfix        "Fixed t/00-load.t to, you know, load the right package." ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.2.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.3" ;
                        doap:created      "2005-10-06" ;
        asc:changes     [
        	        asc:bugfix        "Fixed serialization methods to use STDOUT if no file handle is defined...just like the docs say." ;
                        asc:addition      "'make_tag_triples'; 'make_photoset_triples'; 'make_group_triples'; 'make_grouppool_triples' object methods." ;
	                asc:addition      "'serialise_triples' and 'serialize_triples' object methods; these replace the private '_describe' method which has been removed." ;
                        asc:addition      "'build_photoset_uri'; 'build_group_uri'; 'build_grouppool_uri' package method." ;
	                asc:addition      "'prune_triples' package method." ;
	                asc:addition      "Caching for most 'collect_*_data' methods." ;
                        asc:addition      "rdf:type SPO for global tag URLs." ;
	                asc:update        "Changed all pre-existing 'build_*_uri' methods to be package methods instead of object methods; this should not affect backwards compatibility." ;
	                asc:update        "'make_user_triples'; 'make_cc_triples' object methods to return a list if (wantarray)" ;
	                asc:update        "POD" ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.1.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.2" ;
                        doap:created      "2005-10-05" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:addition      "Make_user_triples; make_cc_triples object methods." ;
                        asc:addition      "Proper CC RDF blobs. photos licensed under the CC now reference a cc:License triple; photo with no license will continue to use dc:license." ;
                        asc:update        "Collect_user_data to set a 'user_id' key." ;
                        asc:update        "Updated POD." ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;
        dcterms:replaces    <http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/Net-Flickr-RDF-1.0.tar.gz>; 

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.1" ;
                        doap:created      "2005-09-28" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:bugfix       "Fixed URI for (personal) tags." ;
                        asc:bugfix       "Fixed POD." ;
                        asc:update       "Updated POD." ;
                        asc:update       "Updated uri_shortform to use 'namespaces' package method when package has been subclassed." ;
                        asc:addition     "Build_user_uri; build_user_tag_uri; build_global_tag_uri" ;
                        ] .

        dcterms:isVersionOf <http://aaronland.info/perl/flickr/rdf/> ;

        doap:Version    [
                        doap:revision     "1.0" ;
                        doap:created      "2005-09-22" ;
        asc:changes     [
                        asc:comment       "Initial release." ;
                        ] .

        a doap:Project ;
        doap:download-page      "http://search.cpan.org/dist/Net-Flickr-RDF/" ;
        doap:download-mirror    "http://aaronland.info/perl/net/flickr/rdf/" .