Revision history for HTML-Truncate

0.11    200607
        - kevinr: Added the 'repair' option, allowing you to tell
          HTML::Truncate to close unmatched open tags and discard
          unmatched close tags, with POD and tests.
        - Added HTML::Tagset to prereqs; it's not used directly but
          caused an error on my clean perl install.
        - Fixed a couple of POD spelling errors and typos.

0.10    20060304 1750
        - Updated "alpha" --> "beta" in README.
        - Removed .cvsignore from MANIFEST and put in MANIFEST.skip.
        - Added TT recipe to POD.

0.09    20060304 1247
        - Ryo Okamoto reported two bugs (object needs its renewed text
          reset per truncate call and pointed out that the chars vs
          percent wasn't clear enough or bomb-proof). Also suggested
          different behavior for dropping trailing tags if they've
          lost their content (i.e., dropping the <b>\Z instead of
          doing <b>...</b>).
        - So calls to chars() now clears the percent() and vice versa.
        - New test file "countdown" from Ryo Okamoto added.
        - POD updates to reflect changes.
        - Took out defined check on chars. Zero should not be allowed.
        - Added an "if" clause to the length padding check.
        - Returning undef if percent() is called when it's unset and
          not being set.

0.08    20060228 1622
        - Fixed year in Change entry below (from 2003).
        - Fixed percent to not allow a 0%.
        - Fixed percent bug -- if it was loaded up front instead of in
          the truncate() call, it was being silently dropped for the
          default 100 chars.
        - Made test path agnostic with File::Spec. Added to reqs.
        - Fixed bug with default percent being English instead of
          decimal; shouldn't be there at all.
        - Calling it beta now that the known bugs are out; couple
          other POD tweaks.

0.07    20060228 1130
        - Added embed to skip tags.

0.06    20060101 0152
        - Moved the 'ellipsis' to the end of the close tags; it's a
          compromise but t'is for the best.
        - And moved it back out. Bad compromise. Needs to have a tree
          logic to decide if it should go inside the last block level
          tag or not at all.
        - Added <area /> to stand alone tags.
        - Put in a more helpful "<open> closed by </close> near 'LAST
          15 CHARS IN WHAT'S BEEN CLEANED'" for the malformed croak().
        - Snip trailing whitespace off cleaned text; gets "This..."
          instead of "That ..."

0.05    20051228 0050
        - No surface changes.
        - Added 'object' to default skip tags.
        - _count_visual_chars.
        - Put in a few points of attention for installing callbacks
          over skip tags and a dummy sub{} for img tags.

0.04    20051222
        - Couple POD typos/sync-problems fixed.
        - Another POD typo in Synopsis fixed per Terrence Brannon.
        - Added synopsis.t to avoid the same type of problem creeping back.
0.03    20051222 1532
        - Added dont_skip_tags and add_skip_tags (not in tests yet).
        - Built out POD a bit more.
        - Corrected a couple typos below in this document.

0.02    20051222 1325
        - Took out the non-functional functional part at the sober
          suggestion of Mark Stosberg.
        - Built up POD a bit; note about XHTML-esque input requirement.
        - Moved stand alone and skip tags into object.

0.01    20051222 0114
        - Alpha release; missing functionality, documentation, and tests.
        - Basic OO interface seems to be working correctly.