Revision history for Lingua-EN-Titlecase

0.03 Mon Aug 20 14:46:17 PDT 2007
    - Changed the "apostrophe" to a single [[:punct:]]. This alters
      behavior quite a bit. Moo-ish and are now one
      word. They were two and three before. Mixed case matches
      similarly differently too.
    - I think to deal with stuff like "iPods on eBay!" the titlecase
      method, and general handling, will have to be token-based. It
      gets too messy, too quickly otherwise.

0.02 Mon Aug 20 01:12:17 PDT 2007
    - Finding fault so quick: POD example updated with correct output.

0.01 Sun Aug 19 23:36:33 PDT 2007
    - Initial release. Champagne for everyone but the dogs! Sparkling
      wine for the dogs!