Revision history for RSSycklr
0.04 20080805
- Fixed README. Der...
- Added as_string and process.t.
- Happy 4 to the VI.
0.03 20080804
- Updated half-done 0.02 entry date below. Sigh.
- Fixed synopsis.t output a little.
- Put timeout on XML::Feed->parse() requests.
- Updated docs a bit and though load_config will still handle
a Perl structure, it's not in the doc now and won't do it
much longer.
- Considering name change to App::RSSycklr... Not sure.
0.02 20080803
- Improved Pod for 'rssycklr.' Didn't mean to ship it with
such bad docs.
0.01 20080803
- Holy cats is Mouse/Moose hot. This is an adaptation of a
script I've been using. It's the kind of thing that normally
seems wrong for a module but Mouse made it natural. Really
nice. See the docs for todo and such.