Revision history for Template-Plugin-Gravatar

0.09  Tue Dec  2 08:25:04 PST 2014
      - Patch from Cyclenerd to correctly setup email before hashing
        with trim and lc.

0.08  Tue Oct 14 08:36:52 PDT 2014
      - Oriol Soriano Vila patch for Base problem; RT#99482.

0.07  Thu Apr  3 12:57:04 PDT 2014
      - Moved to github.
      - - up size
        limit and take the border out of the tests.

0.06  Thu Oct 15 16:20:42 PDT 2009 
      - Downcased a couple of \Zs.
      - I was looking to base this on Gravatar::URL this time but I'm
        not quite ready. I'd like to get Schwern to expose the base URI
        and maybe do one or two things first.
      - Deprecated borders. They won't be in the URIs at all and carp
        when you use them.
      - Fixed broken URIs from Gravatar changing them without redirects.
      - Yes, the date is accurate. I forgot to release it but figure
        I may as well before I do 0.07 for a bug fix. Uploading

0.05  Sat Sep  8 20:12:24 PDT 2007
      - Fixed a misspelling.
      - Fixed 404/broken Gravatar site links.
      - See also for the new standalone module, Gravatar::URL.

0.04  Sun Jun 17 16:38:26 PDT 2007
      - Fixed a pre-req moment of madness, Template wasn't required
        and caused failures for builds without it.
      - POD updates about absolute URIs for "default" images.

0.03  Sat Mar 25 13:45:15 PST 2006
      - Couple of POD tweaks.

0.02  Sun Mar 19 10:25:55 PST 2006
      - Um... considered "beta" I meant (that's what the other docs said).
      - Changed the paramter joiner from "&" to "&" -- wisely
        suggested by Darren Chamberlain. Doc changes to reflect it
      - Added tests to check GRAVATAR settings in config and realized
        I wasn't getting them. Fixed it.
      - Added tests to check fatals.
      - Expanded POD quite a bit about settings.
      - Validating border now too (was already doing rating and size).

0.01  Sat Mar 18 13:22:15 2006
      - First stab. Considered alpha till I get some feedback and
        use testing in.