0.18 - 20 July 2002 - Maintenance release
Cleaned up the POD further. Changed a mistake that was *so* completely
bone-head stupid, there should be a law passed against me (iterating
on the new() auto-install methods hash without calling "keys").
Got some nice feedback from a couple perl folks that I may implement
in another version. Next real version is still a ways away.
0.17 - 11 March 2002
Updated test.pl again to account for pages being crawled that aren't
HTML. Added "Bugs" and "Readme" into the MANIFEST. Added the
"spyder-mini-bio" script.
0.16 - 10 March 2002
There was a new bug from fixing the other bug with the _exit_check().
This time it seems to have tested out correctly. I am changing the
tests one more time to account for this bug so it can't slip through
0.15 - 10 March 2002
There was a new bug from fixing the other bug with the continue block.
I moved the exit check back to the top of crawl() and it should be
good again. There was also a new bug in the test.pl.
0.14 - 10 March 2002
Overloaded Enqueue objects to deliver the URL if interpolated.
Created the Bugs file (fixed major bug).
Changed name of seed_url() to seed().
Added verbosity() method.
Did preliminary work on ::Seed and ::Exclude but nothing complete.
0.13 - 27 February 2002
See 0.12.
0.12 - 27 February 2002
Added ::Seed space (not yet used). Fixed some of the POD formatting
that was clashing with the HTML'ized version. Updated POD descriptions
a bit. Fixed some misspellings.
0.11 - 25 February 2002
Changed named block CRAWL to a while loop so I can use the continue to
do resetting and failure:success tracking. Not in there yet. Also
changed the Page link objects iteration to return Enqueue objects one
at a time with next_link() so that url(), domain(), and name() can be
used directly on them.
0.10 - 23 February 2002
Jumped some versions b/c the implementation of the URL queues changed
dramatically. I added the Spyder::Enqueue package to deal with the URL
queue entries as objects that are aware of their name, if any, and
domain as well as the URL. More might be added. Memory footprint
jumped about 25-30% for this but it's much easier to handle some
things I'd like to add: specifically automated exclusion based on
success to failure ratios on 'names' and 'URL's.
BUG-->> Segfault on HUGE headers corrected by substringing them down
to size when they happen.
0.04 - 16 February 2002
Adding the terms parsing. Went from 5 queues to 10 queues. Wrote some
tests with Test::Simple.
BUG-->> Subroutine _exit_check redefined at Spyder.pm line 476. FIXED.
0.03 - 14 February 2002
Added *many* parts, including sub ::namespaces, though some aren't
being used yet: track downloaded bytes, priority queues, etc. Put in
the skeleton to build a method that sets limits on the Spyder's
crawling lifetime and tests to know when it's time to give up the
ghost. Fixed quite a few problems.
0.01 - 12 February 2002
First version of Spyder. Much of the functionality, the design and
parts of the code are carried over from a web research agent I started
in the winter of 2000/2001. 0.01 is mostly a mishmash of features
from various test scripts crammed into an object.