Revision history for Limper

0.010     2014-10-20 05:06:01+00:00 UTC
- delete $response->{body} if $head, so that response_handler works correctly for HEAD requests

0.009     2014-10-20 02:48:07+00:00 UTC
- changes to support Limper::PSGI (and possibly Limper::SCGI, etc):
  - set $request->{remote_host} to $conn->peerhost // "localhost"
  - new exported subs response and options
  - new hooks response_handler and request_handler
  - tweaks to support proper use of new hooks

0.008     2014-10-19 06:06:40+00:00 UTC
- properly handle HTTP/1.0 close/keep-alive
- add POD Limper::Extending

0.007     2014-10-17 04:41:56+00:00 UTC
- fix bug when calling headers in list mode and it's undefined

0.006     2014-10-16 02:03:34+00:00 UTC
Work towards HTTP/1.1 compliance and be usable in production.

- HTTP 1.1 improvements:
  - require Host: header and accept absolute URLs from HTTP/1.1 clients
  - support chunked encoding and timeout on reading content.
  - return an RFC 1123 Date: header with every response
  - minimal 100 Continue support
  - better close support

- seems like a good idea:
  - catch exceptions instead of having worker die

- new/changed features:
  - after hook support – runs after all other processing, just before response is sent.
  - rename 'logg' to 'note', add similar 'warning'

0 general code improvements:
  - remove prototypes
  - use strict in
  - remove passing http version to send_response
  - add PodCoverageTests to dist.ini
  - make $conn package global
  - tweak warning and bad_request
  - tweak timeout

0.005     2014-10-12 08:19:03+00:00 UTC
- store routes in arrays, not hashes, so that they can be defined in order
- add

0.004     2014-10-12 06:00:25+00:00 UTC
- change 'delete' to 'del' since 'delete' is already a perl builtin function
- added support for multiple workers (default 5) and timeout (default 5 seconds)
- add "Server: limper/$Limper::VERSION" to response
- proper HEAD support
- dist.ini improvements and POD fix (thanks, garu!)
- remove dump_request(), and hence dep on Data::Dumper, so now this fatpacks nicely
- replaced Test::HTTP with the thing Limper was originally written to test

0.003     2014-09-21 03:37:31+00:00 UTC
- skip 002_limper.t if Test::HTTP not installed
- POD updates

0.002     2014-09-17 06:44:00+00:00 UTC
- silly error in POD

0.001     2014-09-17 06:36:36+00:00 UTC