Revision history for Perl extension Test-WWW-Stub
0.05 2016-01-23T14:13:37Z
- Prefer warn instead of diag when notice unexpected external access. (#12, thanks to aereal)
0.04 2015-12-16T09:32:08Z
- Fix a bug that #unstub doesn't work with older LWP::Protocol::PSGI. (#11, thanks to aereal)
0.03 2015-12-14T10:41:54Z
- Add #last_request_for. (#10)
- Move LWP::Protocol::PSGI->register to import. (#8)
- Declare requirement of perl 5.10. (Maybe this module has never worked with 5.8)
0.02 2015-05-17T10:38:01Z
- Fix typo in README. (wrong module name, #7)
- Add #clear_requests (#6).
0.01 2015-04-17T04:43:19Z
- Initial release