Revision history for Business-CyberSource-Report
v1.1.7 2013-03-30
* Added configuration for Travis-CI.
* Updated bug tracker links.
* Updated links to point to MetaCPAN.
* (GitHub #1) Fixed prerequisites.
* Added examples/ directory.
* Added release tests.
* Moved release tests to xt/.
* Added Test::FailWarnings to all tests.
* Fixed date format in Changes file.
v1.1.6 2012-10-03
* Relicensed as GPLv3
v1.1.5 2012-09-22
* Moved repository to GitHub.
v1.1.4 2012-08-07
* Fixed POD.
* Retrofitted tests to use Test::Exception.
* Forced using only core perlcritic policies.
* Removed XML::LibXML from the dependencies.
v1.1.3 2012-03-04
* Added build option to force looking at test subdirectories.
* Updated dependencies and meta build information.
v1.1.2 2011-01-19
* Refactored code to pass PerlCritic "harsh".
* Added tests.
* Minor documentation changes.
v1.1.1 2011-12-17
* Added META.yml.
* Fixed license information.
* Added missing prerequisites.
* Changed version number style to help with CPAN.
v1.1.0 2011-12-14
* Added more documentation and tests.
* Public release.
v1.0.0 2011-07-13
* First version.