Revision history for DBIx-NinjaORM
v2.4.4 2013-03-30
* Replaced Test::NoWarnings with Test::FailWarnings.
* Added new release tests.
* Moved release tests to xt/, updated Build.PL.
v2.4.3 2013-03-21
* (GitHub #7) Fixed warnings in Perl 5.16.
* (GitHub #8) Fixed manifest.
* (GitHub #9) Fixed prerequisite.
v2.4.2 2013-03-18
* Moved request tracker from RT to GitHub.
* Changed links from Search CPAN to MetaCPAN.
v2.4.1 2013-02-24
* (RT #83513) Fixed incorrect croak() in verbose mode.
* (RT #83514) Don't delete cache if no cache key can be determined.
* Modified validate_data() to check for existence, not just defineness
of keys, as undefined keys would still impact insert/update.
v2.4.0 2013-02-19
* Fixed detecting invalid filtering criteria [].
v2.3.2 2013-01-27
* Fixed propagation of DBI failures in update().
* Added tests to cover DBI failures for insert(), update(), and
* Added 'allow_subclassing' option for retrieve_list().
* Added new tests for pagination in retrieve_list_nocache().
* Cleaned up tests and code.
v2.3.1 2013-01-05
* Fixed call to selectall_arrayref() in retrieve_list_nocache() and
added error handling (thanks Jacob Rose).
* Added tests to cover locking with joins in retrieve_list_nocache().
* Fixed list of locked IDs in retrieve_list_nocache().
* retrieve_list_nocache() now ignores lock=1 for SQLite.
v2.3.0 2012-12-04
* Refactored to use Log::Any instead of carp/confess.
v2.2.1 2012-12-04
* Split limit and offset, for PostgreSQL.
v2.2.0 2012-12-04
* Modified assert_dbh() to allow coderefs that return a DBI::db object
in either default_dbh from static_class_information() or from its
first parameter.
* Added tests for the pagination feature of retrieve_list().
* Added tests for assert_dbh().
* Cleaned up warning that should only show up in verbose mode.
v2.1.3 2012-12-03
* Fixed pagination in retrieve_list().
v2.1.2 2012-11-30
* Added tests for remove() and commit().
* If custom clauses are present, filters are not required anymore.
* Checked filters argument in new() to detect issues early.
* Sorted filters in parse_filtering_criteria() to make output easily
v2.1.1 2012-11-26
* Ignored Devel::Cover output files.
* Added Perl 5.10 as a requirement.
v2.1.0 2012-11-22
* Refactored retrieve_list() and new() to use a hashref as first
argument, like insert() and update().
* Reorganized methods alphabetically.
v2.0.0 2012-11-19
* Generalized code, added more tests and documentation.
* First public release.
v1.9.1 2012-10-24
* Added 'not_null' operator.
v1.9.0 2012-10-18
* Updated to use two separate cache times, one for the translation from
arguments to IDs (list cache) and one for the objects (object cache).
v1.8.4 2012-10-02
* Added get_object_cache_keys().
v1.8.3 2012-10-01
* Added "set" parameter to update() to allow specifying complex set
v1.8.2 2012-09-07
* Added option to trace cache operations.
v1.8.1 2012-09-06
* Adjusted the order of when we invalidate the object cache in update().
* Forced the cache keys and values to be lower case, to account for
case-insensitive collations.
v1.8.0 2012-08-30
* Implemented cache of the translation from arguments to IDs in
v1.7.7 2012-05-22
* Modified parse_filtering_criteria() to return whether filtering fields
were detected in the arguments passed to retrieve_list(),
independently of whether filtering clauses are generated or not.
* Tweaked retrieve_list() to warn about missing filtering fields only
when none was passed to retrieve_list(), and ignore the case when all
of them are undef or empty arrays.
v1.7.6 2012-05-08
* Improved get() to prevent retrieving private properties and to error
on non-existent properties only when the object comes from
retrieve_list() which is guaranteed to populate the object correctly.
v1.7.5 2012-03-20
* Fixed trying to invalidate the cached object for keys with undefined
v1.7.4 2012-03-20
* Added unitary operator 'null'.
v1.7.3 2012-02-24
* Added get().
v1.7.2 2011-08-08
* Added operator 'between' for retrieve_list(), reengineered the return
values of build_filtering_clause() to allow for more than one bind
variable to be returned.
v1.7.1 2011-06-10
* Added more trace information for cache operations.
* Modified update() to invalidate cached versions of objects.
* Added meta information 'cache_key_field' to allow specifying a
different cache key field than the primary key.
* Added get_object_cache_key(), to allow subclassing to create complex
cache keys.
v1.7.0 2011-06-07
* Refactored filtering operators to use (?:=|not|<=|>=|<|>).
* Added code to detect parameters that cannot be handled by
retrieve_list(). This helps the calling code to detect typos, missing
filtering fields in the static class declaration or obsolete argument
* Set up a list of reserved arguments for retrieve_list().
* Fixed retrieve_list( id => [ 1, 2 ] ) that was converting to
WHERE id = 1 AND id = 2 instead of WHERE id IN ( 1, 2 ).
v1.6.1 2011-05-17
* Added last insert ID value to the object upon successful insert.
v1.6.0 2011-03-29
* Refactored reload().
v1.5.4 2011-03-04
* Added 'show_queries' argument to retrieve_list().
v1.5.3 2011-01-31
* Added dump().
v1.5.2 2011-01-27
* Added function to flatten an object based on a list of fields.
v1.5.1 2011-01-24
* Changed retrieve_list() to return pagination info in addition to the
results only when pagination was requested to begin with.
* Added option to set "pagination => 1" in retrieve_list(), as a
shortcut to get all the defaults.
v1.5.0 2011-01-10
* Implemented delete().
v1.4.1 2011-01-06
* Simplified 'order_by', removed option to pass a data structure in
favor of raw SQL.
* Fixed retrieve_list() to handle the case when the query has joins but
we need to lock the rows.
v1.4.0 2010-12-21
* Split validation from setting properties.
* Added concept of read-only fields.
* Added cached_static_class_info(), which is ~6x faster than
v1.3.0 2010-12-16
* Added 'unique_fields' to the meta object information and created a
method to access it.
* Simplified caching of objects.
* Expanded parse_filtering_criteria() to allow filtering on the opposite
of a criteria.
* Implemented pagination for retrieve_list().
* Refactored how cache keys are generated.
* Added invalidate_cached_object() to remove all the cached versions of
a given object.
* Added 'lock' and 'allow_all' arguments to retrieve_list().
* Added option to specify pre-generated primary keys in insert().
* Added warnings to prevent hash/hashref confusion in the first argument
of insert() and update()
* Fixed insert() to work with tables that don't have a primary key.
* Added unique fields to the list of available filtering criteria in
* Improved 'order_by' parsing and defaults in retrieve_list(), allowed
raw SQL in 'order_by'.
* Modified update() to accept restrictions on the where clause.
v1.2.0 2010-02-10
* Changed insert() to allow calling it directly on a class, if no
object is needed afterwards.
* Added static_class_info() and accessors for its configurable options.
* Added object-level cache.
* Added 'force' argument to set(), to optionally disable validation.
v1.1.0 2010-12-08
* Added insert(), update(), and new().
* Fixed set() to remove primary key fields and fields starting with an
* Added id().
* Refactored retrieve_list() to allow subclassing.
* Added table prefix for the fields not specifing one explicitely when
creating filtering criteria.
v1.0.2 2010-10-28
* Added reload().
v1.0.1 2010-02-01
* Added clone().
v1.0.0 2009-12-17
* First version.