Revision history for Email-ExactTarget
v1.3.2 08/13/2012
* Refactored to use Test::Exception and Data::Validate::Type.
* Code and meta-information cleanup.
v1.3.1 05/29/2012
* Set explicit POD encoding.
* Excluded non-core PerlCritic policies for tests.
v1.3.0 03/04/2012
* Added method to delete subscriber records permanently.
* Added flag on the subscriber object to identify deleted objects.
* Added meta information and upgraded build.
* Cleaned up code and tests.
v1.2.1 01/20/2012
* Cleanup to pass PerlCritic 'harsh'.
v1.2.0 01/17/2012
* API cleanup, now using hashref instead of hashes for data.
* Generalized tests to work with an independent config file.
* Public release.
v1.1.0 11/25/2011
* Added more documentation and tests.
v1.0.0 04/09/2010
* First working version.