Revision history for IPC-Concurrency-DBI

v1.1.0  10/11/2012
        * Set up continuous integration with Travis-CI.
        * Added full PostgreSQL support.
        * Refactored tests to use Test::Exception.
        * Cleaned up requires vs build_requires.
        * Refactored tests to support testing against any database type.

v1.0.3  10/03/2012
        * Relicensed as GPLv3.

v1.0.2  09/22/2012
        * Moved repository to GitHub.
        * Added PerlCritic tests, restricted to core policies.
        * Added various meta information.

v1.0.1  01/18/2012
        * Cleanup to pass PerlCritic 'harsh'.
        * Made the acknowledgements section geekier.
        * Refactored to use Test::Dist::VersionSync for version checks.
        * Updated module descriptions.

v1.0.0  01/03/2012
        * Public release.