Revision history for Perl-Critic-Git

v1.1.4  03/23/2013
        * Reorganized tests.
        * Added additional Kwalitee tests.

v1.1.3  03/22/2013
        * Added Travis-CI configuration for continuous integration.
        * Added Kwalitee tests.
        * (GitHub #2) Fixed tests on Windows.
        * Added tests for warnings.
        * Updated links to bug tracker and distribution page.

v1.1.2  10/03/2012
        * Relicensed as GPLv3.

v1.1.1  09/23/2012
        * Moved repository to GitHub.
        * Cleaned up requires vs build_requires.

v1.1.0  05/24/2012
        * Fixed finding the work tree when git environment variables are
          pointing to a different repository.
        * Fixed setting authors in tests.
        * Added meta information.

v1.0.1  01/31/2012
        * Disabled non-core PerlCritic policies to provide a known environment
          for tests.
        * All tests now skip correctly when Git is not installed.

v1.0.0  01/30/2012
        * First public version.