Revision history for Test-Type

v1.1.2  2013-04-13
        * Removed Test::More 1.5 specific code that is no longer needed (thanks
          Colin Newell).
        * Added Test::FailWarnings to all tests.
        * Added new release tests.
        * Moved release tests to xt/, updated Build.PL.
        * Added info on how to contribute new examples.
        * Moved request tracker from RT to GitHub.
        * Changed links from Search CPAN to MetaCPAN.
        * Added config file for Travis-CI continuous integration.

v1.1.1  2012-10-03
        * Required Exporter v5.57.

v1.1.0  2012-09-24
        * Relicensed as GPLv3 for inclusion in Fedora.

v1.0.2  2012-09-22
        * Moved repository to GitHub.
        * Cleaned up requires vs build_requires.

v1.0.1  2012-07-30
        * Made code portable on pre-5.10 versions of Perl (RT #78657).
          Thanks to dirkus@yo****.com for reporting the problem!
        * Updated dependency version for Data::Validate::Type.

v1.0.0  2012-07-29
        * Public release.