Revision history for Perl extension Jifty::DBI.
0.31 Fri Jan 26 19:52:08 CST 2007
- load, load_by_cols, load_from_hash and create are now optionally class methods.
- "length is 42" in schema declarations is deprecated; please write "max_length is 42" instead.
- Jifty::DBI::Collection - document the "LIKE" and "MATCHES" limit operators correctly.
0.30 Wed Jan 17 15:29:44 EST 2007
- update version dependency on DateTime to 0.34
- fixed a "use of uninitialized value" warning in the tests. [t/01records.t]
- Make sure we don't go looking for the validate_COLUMN sub everytime for columns without validators (thanks to Alex for pointing that out)
- Fix bug where validator_COLUMN subs weren't getting set as validators (thanks to Audrey for help)
- Test that the declarative syntax automagically sets validators as it should (these fail at the moment, though a fix should be forthcoming)
- fixed the "order_by" bug in sub distinct_query. [Jifty::DBI::Handle::Pg]
- added unit tests for the Handle::Pg patch. [t/14handle-pg.t]
- fixed the desc string in the last test. [t/13collection.t]
- made _order_clause more flexible by dealing with empty aliases [lib/Jifty/DBI/]
- added one test for it. [t/13collection.t]
- added t/13collection.t to test methods in Jifty::DBI::Collection.
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::ODBC - Bring in the missing build_dsn method from
DBIx::SearchBuilder such that this backend can work again.
Requested by: agentzh++
- Jifty::DBI::Column - Recognize "is autocompleted".
- Jifty::DBI::Collection - The "function" argument to the "column" method
was broken when passed with trailing "?" characters.
- Also clean up the documentation about ->distinct_required.
- Jifty::DBI::Collection - Document the long-undocumented ->column method.
- Jifty::DBI::Handle::ODBC - Doc fixup and author name fixup.
- Jifty::DBI::Schema - Add "is autocompleted".
- Jifty::DBI::Schema - Backport "order is 3" as alias of "sort_order is 3"
from Jifty::Param land.
- Make "valid are ..." an alias for "valid_values are ..." for real.
- add 'is indexed' syntax to the declaritive schema generator
- remove sort, it causes CREATE INDEX to run before CREATE TABLE
- add sqlite sql so that these tests run without needing postgres configured
- reorganize the code so its easier to add more databases later, and uses more
- Jifty::DBI::Collection - More CORE::join() to avoid warnings.
- Jifty::DBI::Collection: Pass through the arguments to L</new> to L<clean_slate> and on to L<implicit_clauses>
- import Carp::croak so the error message in apply works
0.28, 0.29 Thu Nov 23 22:11:37 EST 2006
* The last upload didn't take
0.27 Thu Nov 23 22:06:09 EST 2006
* Initial implementation of prefetching for related records and collections
0.26 Mon Nov 13 11:11:31 EST 2006
* avoid a warning in Jifty::DBI::Schema when our user is executing
a .pm file. When that is the case, caller(1) is not defined. --gaal
* Small error string change to suggest looking for missing use lines in models where refer_to is used --bartb
Core code
* fixed sort_order setting in Jifty::DBI::Schema --wolfgang
* Don't use main.*, ever. --clkao
* Jifty::DBI::Schema - Backport "valid are qw(...)" and "render as '...'"
support from Jifty::Param::Schema as aliases to "valid_values are" and
"render_as". --audreyt
* added as_hash to Jifty::DBI::Record --jesse
* @ISA => use base --schwern
* Use DBIx::DBScehma::Column and ::Table rather than trust that DBIx::DBScehma
will load them. --schwern
* Bump DateTime dependency, as older versions didn't provide the API
we're using. (0.22 is known bad) --jesse (Thanks to Matt Trout)
* make sure to skip 04memcached.t if you don't have Cache::Memcached --ishigaki
* Tests updated to not have $sth in scope when we $dbh->disconnect
* demonstrate the valid_values alternate syntax that allows display and value to be separate
* Document columns and column --schwern
* Minor changes to pod --evdb
0.25 Tue Sep 12 23:52:45 BST 2006
* cleaned up DSN generation.
* Allowed arbitrary parameter specification in DSNs
* Corrected the method name "DSN" to "dsn" throughout.
* ( If a user tries to load a record by columns that happen ot be foriegn keys, and values that are objects, do the right thing
* Propery cache DBI::Record entries when aliased.
* Fewer accessor calls.
* Only apply filters if we have values fetched.
* make passing a J:D:Collection as a value DTRT
* Jifty::DBI::Schema - s/die/croak/ to aid debugging.
* Refactor Jifty::DBI::Filter::Date to be a subclass of ::Filter::DateTime.
* New ::Filter::Time filter for time of day. ('time' sql type).
* Update to Module::Install 0.64 to fix auto_install() when Makefile.PL is
run from the command line and CPANPLUS is not installed.
* The number of fixed tests in t/10schema.t for Jifty::DBI was wrong.
* documented limit a bit more
* JDBI::Filter::Date clones dates before setting timezone, so that we
don't alter the object we're passed.
* Spelling fixes.
* Remove the @ISA-mocking code from Jifty::DBI::Schema, so that
use MyApp::Record schema {
can work even if MyApp::Record overrides Jifty::Record's column
building methods. We do that by arranging the schema callback
to run after the @ISA chain is set up.
* Jifty::DBI::Schema - defer initialization for columns created via the
schema{} wrapper, so that users can continue to define column names
that overlaps with the helper functions, such as "label" and "type".
* attempt to test "label" and "type" column definitions.
however, as I don't have Pg, I cannot run this test; help welcome.
* cleaned up case sensitivity code
* fixed SQLite docs
* abstract out checking whether it's possible to make a clause case
insensitive so that subclasses of Handle can use those tests
* doc'd Filter::DateTime special behavior when the column type is 'date'
* Adding a filter to salt and hash passwords
* Adding an after_set hook to Jifty::DBI::Record
* Jifty::DBI::Schema: Lift the restriction to use another ::Schema
package on the record model class; you can now directly write:
package Wifty::Model::Page;
use Jifty::DBI::Schema;
schema {
# ... your columns here ...
because &schema will unregister all symbols exported by Jifty::DBI::Schema
after it runs the column initialization code. Backward compatibility is
preserved -- as long as you don't name your record model "Schema"...
* update the to use new schema decl syntax
* Lift the call of schema to BEGIN time:
* fixed handling of case sensitivity and numeric columns so opertions
like '>' do numeric instead of lexical comparisons
* Allow collection SELECTs to have preload_columns defined.
* Case insensitive searches should be, euh, case insensitive in Pg
* Mark case-sensitive tests as TODO for MySQL
* drop ::Cachable::new as it does nothing
* add cache tests: columns names are case insensetive so we should
generate cache key insenstive too
* hash key couldn't be undefined, but '' and 0 are different keys
* values undef, 0 and '' are different, use '__undef' only when it's
really undef
* apply the same logic when $value is hash reference
* use lower case for key part
* don't generate PK cache key, we do that in subcequent _store call
* don't create local arguments hash, just pass @_ throught
* don't eat arguments, may be somebody wants to subclass
and pass arguments to delete.
* fetch again only when we found something in cache with
keys' aliases
* avoid check for $self->id definess as if it's undef then
record couldn't have pk cache key
* use $self->primary_keys to get columns of the PK and its
values, as result we get support for compound PKs here
* Mark undef PK loading as TODO
* Only mark the one failing test under mysql as TODO
* make Collection smart about guessing table names
* removed a lie from create() pod
* Make _open_paren and _close_paren into public methods open_paren and close_paren
0.24 Tue Aug 8 23:33:34 EDT 2006
* artificial version increment
0.23 Thu Jun 15 14:12:20 CEST 2006
* Add tests for case sensitivity in limits
* Caching for columns and readable/writable attributes. Only gains us 2% performance. But hey. 2% free
* Added DateTime::Format::Strptime to requires
* Do fewer ->COLUMNS calls from ->column, and do fewer ->column calls from
* Make Jifty::DBI::Record::_init() expect a hash like Jifty::Record does
* Fixes 'is_distinct' failure when used in Jifty
* Use Class::Accessor::Fast.
* Remove Carp::cluck, as it hates END and vice versa.
* Integrate today's hack for dumping callers for sql queries in question.
* Add tests for case sensitivity in limits
* Integrate today's hack for dumping callers for sql queries in question.
* Enforce mandatory things at a Jifty::DBI layer
* Cleanup 'distinct' column check and tests
* Tests for column constraints 'mandatory' and 'distinct'
* Implement support for 'distinct' column checks
* Perltidy
* Set validator on the column to validate_whatever (even if it's just
the autogenerated one)
* Update Module::Install to 0.21+ to prevent make loop; also
avoid the use of "our" in VERSION strings for compat with
older MMs. (Ditto with the previous commit)
* Oracle fixes from Mark Gardner
* Jifty::DBI::Filter::Storable - Do not die when the storable image is somehow
corrupt; instead, simply return undef.
* upgrade inc/ trees to 0.62+ to reflect the version::vpp fix.
* Jifty::DBI::Collection - minor POD style and typo fix.
* add_record now works on empty collections
* removed a debug warning from alex
* Enforce "default is ''" on columns
* Document the use and behavior of refers_to
* Cache::Memcached was being tested whether or not it was installed. Thanks to Matt Trout
* Fixed Pod typo
* Doc fixes relating to filters
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - removed incorrect '=for' directive
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - removed incorrect '=for' directive
* t/01-version_checks.t - test for CPAN VERSION parsing hang-ups
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - added Class::ReturnValue's to disallowed accessors
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - do not try to set_<foo>() a collection
* t/11schema_records.t - added tests for trying to set a collection
* t/10schema.t - silence undef warning
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - catch attempts to set a refers_to
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - crediting myself per Jesse's suggestion :-O (ewilhelm)
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - pod edits:
Redid synopsis with real example --
maybe somewhat incorrect WRT Model::Schema, but it does work.
Stripped boilerplate sections.
Clarified add_model $model requirement.
Cleanup odd =for public... pod bits.
Spelling fix.
* lib/Jifty/DBI/ - documentation fixes/cleanup
* created an api to allow distinct toggling
0.21 Wed May 3 14:14:41 EDT 2006
* We no longer do a count when setting up a collection's pager object by default
* order_by now returns the current orders
* added a "do_search" method to force a search, say before a count
* Added a filter for Dates, lib/Jifty/DBI/Filter/
* Switched Jifty::DBI::Record to autocreate methods on object load rather than
0.20 Fri Apr 21 10:23:14 EDT 2006
* Documentation updates and misc bugfixes from Eric Wilhelm
* Performance optimization for the "standard case" of __value
* Postgres sequence parsing fix from Daniel Tabuenca
0.19 Sun Apr 2 18:59:53 JST 2006
* Columns now have a "sort_order" attribute. This way when auto-rendering
forms, we can render them by "order defined" rather than just alphabetically.
- idea by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
0.18 Fri Mar 31 22:15:59 JST 2006
* Test fixes to remove databases after testing. This fixes
Win32 test failures. -- Kenichi Ishigaki
* Added "filters" method to records, which adds both
input_filters and output_filters.
0.17 Sun Mar 5 00:41:41 PST 2006
* Memcached correctness fixes
0.16 Sat Mar 4 18:02:44 PST 2006
* Memcached installation fixes
* Added support for Memcached
* Updated record docs to show hooks
0.09 Thu Dec 29 07:56:30 EST 2005
* Fixed dependency on Class::Data::Inheritable
* Audrey Tang added "smarter" schema declaration processing to get us warnings on bogus usage.
0.08 Sun Dec 25 14:34:12 EST 2005
* Added a missing prereq: Exporter::Lite. Thanks to sri
0.06 Fri Dec 23 15:44:17 EST 2005
* Added more tests for mysql and Pg now that DBSchema supports them. Tests want more love
Forward-ported features from DBIx::SearchBuilder:
1.37_01 Thu Dec 8 15:56:50 EST 2005
* Switched Postgres sequence lookups to use CURRVAL, rather than OIDs
1.36 Fri Dec 2 18:04:21 EST 2005
* Change to how we resolve virtual columns to deal with a
"no such attribute" bug in RT
1.35 Wed Nov 2 22:36:02 EST 2005
* Doc fixes and OrderBy cleanup from ruslan
1.34 Wed Nov 2 22:26:15 EST 2005
* Clone support from Ruslan
* Added support for "virtual" columns
* Added support for named references between tables
column owner =>
refers_to MyApp::User by 'email';
* not_null deprecated in favor of mandatory
0.05_01 Tue Nov 8 16:29:02 EST 2005
* Initial release