[Changes for 0.21 2007-12-07]

* LICENSING CHANGE: This compilation and all individual files in it
  are now under the permissive "MIT" license.  See the COPYRIGHT
  section in README for the new terms.

* Cleanup on POD, changelog, README, etc.

* Bump dependency of Module::Install::Admin to 0.40, so we can make use of
  all_from() and drop the parentheses in Makefile.PL commands.

[Changes for 0.20 2007-12-05]

* Support for new RT 3.7 "RT Plugin" mechanism.

* No longer tries to write to the global local perl man and site directories
  (packlists and manpages), instead installing them within the RT hierarchy.

[Changes for 0.11 - 2005-02-26]

* make initdb now prompts for dba password.

[Changes for 0.10 - 2004-09-09]

* "make initialize-database" added as an alias to "make initdb",
  for better consistency with core RT installation.

  Reported by: Sika.

[Changes for 0.09 - 2004-09-09]

* Moved under SVK management; remove all keyword expansion lines.

* Corrected the use of $ENV{RTHOME} and documented it.

[Changes for 0.08 - 2004-05-31]

* "make initdb" now moved to M::I::RTx::Factory, so the person
  running "perl Makefile.PL" needs not have permission to read

* M::I::RTx::Factory now survives pod-stripping.

* Jesse reports that RTx('RT-Foo-Bar') breaks.

* Improve table detection in Pg.

* Better handling failed require() on _Overlay classes in the factory.

[Changes for 0.07 - 2004-05-13]

* Need to use RT::LoadConfig instead of requiring the config files directly.
  Reported by: Jesse Vincent

[Changes for 0.06 - 2004-05-10]

* Support "make factory", "make initdb", "make dropdb"
  for extensions that has its own initialdata and schema.

[Changes for 0.05 - 2004-02-01]

* Now installs libs to $RT::LocalPath/lib instead of perl's sitelib.

* Now properly skips lib installation when WITH_SUBDIRS does not include lib.

* Allow overriding prefix with $ENV{PREFIX}

[Changes for 0.04 - 2004-01-10]

* Update copyright years.

* Make var/ directory writable

* Some people insist on doing "make initialize-database" before "make install".

* Add etc/initialdata insertion.

* Take care of "inplace" layout by also probing in lib/RT.pm.

* Now takes WITH_SUBDIRS to restrict the subdirectories to install.

* Some POD cleanups.

[Changes for 0.01 - 2003-12-15]

* Initial release.