[Changes for 0.30 - 2009年11月17日 周二 16時46分49秒 CST]
* LICENSING CHANGE: This compilation and all individual files in it
are now under the nullary CC0 1.0 Universal terms:
To the extent possible under law, 唐鳳 has waived all copyright and
related or neighboring rights to PDF-FromHTML.
* Updated Module::Install to 0.91, prompted by Florian Ragwitz.
[Changes for 0.25 - 2009-01-01]
* Added -l, -e, -f and -s flags to html2pdf.pl; see its POD for details.
* Running "html2pdf.pl foo.html" now writes to "foo.html.pdf" instead of
STDOUT. However, "html2pdf.pl foo.html > foo.pdf" is still supported.
[Changes for 0.24 - 2007-02-14]
* The "landscape" option to ->convert() now work as documented.
[Changes for 0.23 - 2007-02-05]
* Updated CAVEATS section to note that there is currently no plan
to support CSS for this module.
Contributed by: Craig Chant
* Updated license info in scripts/html2pdf to MIT.
* Various code warning/stricture/tidying up; no function changes.
[Changes for 0.22 - 2007-01-25]
* LICENSING CHANGE: This compilation and all individual files in it
are now under the permissive "MIT" license. See the COPYRIGHT
section in README for the new terms.
* PDF::FromHTML no longer fails when <table> contains width percentages
that are narrower than the widths of its <td> elements, or when <table>
contains no <td> elements at all.
Reported by: Craig Chant
[Changes for 0.21 - 2006-12-07]
Slight tweaks to PDF::FromHTML::Template to allow border lines with
user-specified width.
[Changes for 0.20 - 2006-09-11]
Bundle our private fork of PDF::Template as PDF::FromHTML::Template
to work around the bug that PDF::Template 0.30 is no longer available
no CPAN.
Redesigned the table layout engine, so that tables with borders,
colspan settings, and per-td widths are all respected.
[Changes for 0.12 - 2005-12-01]
For Perl 5.8.1, "use constant" alone seems not enough to pass
use strict subs. Reported by Christian Pipi.
Updateded to Module::Install 0.40 for better installation support.
[Changes for 0.11 - 2005-12-01]
For Perl 5.6.x, we have to use PDFLib as PDF::API2 only supports
Perl 5.8+. Reported by Jessie Chen.
[Changes for 0.10 - 2005-11-29]
Chase new versions of PDF::Template and PDF::Writer.
Add support for PDFLib based rendering engine, in addition to PDF::API2.
[Changes for 0.08 - 2005-05-06]
Fix image handler bug in Twig.pm for zero-width and missing image
files, contributed by Charleston Software Associates.
[Changes for 0.07 - 2004-12-08]
Heading fonts are made much bigger.
Prelminary support for <img src="http://..."> via LWP.
Use Image::Size to determine image size correctly.
Correct layout for mixed colspan and rowspan.
Variable support via a plain $__PAGE__ in text
(this interface may change into <var> the future).
[Changes for 0.06 - 2004-11-23]
Correctly fallback to XML::Clean if HTML::Tidy is unavailable.
Rowspan was only renfered properly on leading columns; now it should
work on all columns.
[Changes for 0.05 - 2004-11-18]
HTML::Tidy is now preferred over XML::Clean.
Graphics::ColorNames now replaces Color::Rgb.
Dropped dependency on Spiffy and Hook::LexWrap.
TD and TH's "rowspan" and "colspan" is now handled, albeit imperfectly.
Widths in TD and TH in the same TR now always adds back to 100%.
[Changes for 0.04 - 2004-09-23]
Adds parameters to ->convert() so page size, font height etc can be tweaked.