[Changes for 0.04 - 2007-10-14]

* LICENSING CHANGE: This compilation and all individual files in it
  (except for the bundled libsyck code) are now under the permissive
  "MIT" license.
* Tidy up source code, test files, and this changelog.

[Changes for 0.03 - 2007-10-14]

* Modernize the build infrastruture to Module::Install.
* Also corrected t/1-basic.t to use Test::More.

[Changes for 0.02 - 2004-09-24]

* Correct the "Symlink" leftovers in README and MANIFEST.SKIP.
* Fix building on Perl 5.6.1 by providing a correct typemap.

[Changes for 0.01 - 2004-09-18]

* Initial release of Win32-Hardlink.