[Changes for 0.11 - Sun Oct 21 22:02:16 CST 2012]

* Rebuild with up-to-date Module::Install 1.06; no functional changes.

[Changes for 0.10 - Thu Apr 26 21:36:24 CST 2012]

* Switch to namespace::sweep instead of namespace::autoclean
  to retain compatibility with "use overload". (@clkao)

[Changes for 0.03 - Tue Jul  5 06:49:16 CST 2011]

* Add "use methods-invoker" optional flags to load invoker.pm as well.

[Changes for 0.02 - Sun Jun 19 18:00:41 CST 2011]

* Add auto-importing to true.pm as well.

[Changes for 0.01 - Sat Jun 18 16:53:50 PDT 2011]

* Initial release to CPAN.