[   754] By: autrijus                              on 2002/08/21  10:51:57
        Log: * This be 1.02.
             * Store is now saved inside the Lock object to ensure correct destruction.
	   ! lib/Apache/Session/BerkeleyDB.pm
	   ! lib/Apache/Session/Lock/BerkeleyDB.pm
	   ! lib/Apache/Session/Store/BerkeleyDB.pm
[   752] By: autrijus                              on 2002/08/21  10:41:30
        Log: * seems to be working okay now; locking remains to be investigated.
	   ! SIGNATURE lib/Apache/Session/BerkeleyDB.pm
	   ! lib/Apache/Session/Lock/BerkeleyDB.pm
	   ! lib/Apache/Session/Store/BerkeleyDB.pm
[   671] By: autrijus                              on 2002/08/16  18:43:42
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[   670] By: autrijus                              on 2002/08/16  18:42:29
        Log: * 0.01: initial release.
	   ! Makefile.PL README
[   657] By: autrijus                              on 2002/08/16  05:53:51
        Log: * it actually works now.
	   ! lib/Apache/Session/Lock/BerkeleyDB.pm
	   ! lib/Apache/Session/Store/BerkeleyDB.pm
[   655] By: autrijus                              on 2002/08/16  04:25:44
        Log: * obfiles.
	   + Changes SIGNATURE
[   653] By: autrijus                              on 2002/08/16  04:24:45
        Log: * berkeleydb locking for the sad people on win32.
	   + MANIFEST Makefile.PL README lib/Apache/Session/BerkeleyDB.pm
	   + lib/Apache/Session/Lock/BerkeleyDB.pm
	   + lib/Apache/Session/Store/BerkeleyDB.pm t/1-basic.t