[Changes for 0.04 - June 11, 2004]

Backported to SWIG 1.3.19 and earlier versions.

Methods refactored into Language::MzScheme::Object and
Language::MzScheme::Env classes.

All scheme value types turned into properly overloaded Perl objects.
Type checking methods, eg. ->isa('CODE'), are also implemented.

Deep copying into perl data structure supported as $obj->as_perl_data.

Previously exported symbols now become class methods for Language::MzScheme,
with the prefix 'mzscheme_', 'scheme_' and 'SCHEME_' removed.

Transparent procedure calls across perl/scheme boundaries.

Perl objects and classes may now be bound as scheme primitives.
To invoke perl objects from scheme, do this:
    (object 'method arg1 arg2 ...)

[Changes for 0.03 - June 9, 2004]

Build cleanly on SWIG 1.3.21, which we now requires.

It is now possible to insert Perl subroutines as MzScheme primitives.
(See t/1-basic.t for how.)

Perl-based primitives can both accept and return lists of any size.

[Changes for 0.02 - June 7, 2004]

Worked around automatic "swig -shadow" on Mac OS X, by not rebuilding
lib/Language/MzScheme_in.pm by default.

All publicly supported functions from "schemex.h" are now wrapped.

Fixed ithreads building problem by setting scheme_set_stack_base().

[Changes for 0.01 - June 7, 2004]

Initial CPAN Release.