[ 10888] By: autrijus                              on 2004/06/17  00:16:20
        Log: * This be 0.05.
             * Documentation cleanups; fix copyright years.
             * Emcee Lam suggested to mention that the time unit
             is measured in seconds.
	   ! README lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm
[ 10428] By: autrijus                              on 2004/03/18  08:17:20
        Log: * This be 0.04.
             * Use Vim folding markers instead of <<< and >>> to mark
             entry and leaving of components.  Contributed by LCamel. 
	   ! MANIFEST lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm
[ 10396] By: autrijus                              on 2004/03/16  10:55:14
        Log: * This be 0.03.
             * update to newer M::I and signature dists.
             * now implements ">>>>"-marked entrance logs, implemented
             by jihuang and lcamel.
	   ! Makefile.PL lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm
	   ! t/0-signature.t
[  8452] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/17  10:52:28
        Log: * This be 0.02.
             * fix a trivial typo.
	   ! lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm
[  8451] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/17  10:50:45
        Log: * add ENDS support
	   ! lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm
[  8449] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/17  10:37:56
        Log: * change the idiom from MasonX::Profile->init(my($p), $m,
	       $r) to
             my $p = MasonX::Profiler->new($m, $r)
             * the old (0.01) calling style is still supported.
             * no longer refuses to profile if the remote IP is unknown.
             instead, '*' is used by default.
             * calling-stack depth tracing is now handler in a per-ip,
             per-uri basis, which should eliminate race conditions.
	   ! lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm
[  8433] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/16  11:35:50
        Log: * add example about MasonPreamble
	   ! lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm
[  8432] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/16  11:24:29
        Log: * add changes
[  8431] By: autrijus                              on 2003/10/16  11:21:57
        Log: * This be MasonX::Profiler 0.01, initial release.
	   + lib/MasonX/Profiler.pm t/0-signature.t
	   + t/1-basic.t