r388 | autrijus | 2004-09-07 04:52:32 +0800 (二, 07  9 2004) | 3 lines

* 0.48, for real.
* Fix case-insensitive checks.

r387 | autrijus | 2004-09-07 04:45:48 +0800 (二, 07  9 2004) | 6 lines

* This be 0.48.
* Skip auto/ files too if explicitly specified.
* Also check for lower-cased keys in %skip, if operating under a
  case-insensitive file system.

r386 | autrijus | 2004-09-07 04:41:22 +0800 (二, 07  9 2004) | 6 lines

* This be 0.47, first version under svk management.
* Support for Mail::Audit plugins; prompted by Andrew Lee.
* Support for modules that use Module::Plugin; prompted by Brian Cassidy.
* scandeps.pl now reports module versions, courtesy of Dan Friedman.
* Delayed loading of CPANPLUS on scandeps.pl.