# $File: //member/autrijus/Module-Signature/lib/Module/Signature.pm $ # $Revision: #33 $ $Change: 10959 $ $DateTime: 2004/07/01 12:13:50 $ package Module::Signature; $Module::Signature::VERSION = '0.40'; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION $SIGNATURE @ISA @EXPORT_OK); use vars qw($Preamble $Cipher $Debug $Verbose); use vars qw($KeyServer $KeyServerPort $AutoKeyRetrieve $CanKeyRetrieve); use constant CANNOT_VERIFY => "0E0"; use constant SIGNATURE_OK => 0; use constant SIGNATURE_MISSING => -1; use constant SIGNATURE_MALFORMED => -2; use constant SIGNATURE_BAD => -3; use constant SIGNATURE_MISMATCH => -4; use constant MANIFEST_MISMATCH => -5; use constant CIPHER_UNKNOWN => -6; use ExtUtils::Manifest (); use Exporter; @EXPORT_OK = (qw(sign verify), qw($SIGNATURE $KeyServer $Cipher $Preamble), grep /^[A-Z_]+_[A-Z_]+$/, keys %Module::Signature::); @ISA = 'Exporter'; $SIGNATURE = 'SIGNATURE'; $Verbose = $ENV{MODULE_SIGNATURE_VERBOSE} || 0; $KeyServer = $ENV{MODULE_SIGNATURE_KEYSERVER} || 'pgp.mit.edu'; $KeyServerPort = $ENV{MODULE_SIGNATURE_KEYSERVERPORT} || '11371'; $Cipher = 'SHA1'; $Preamble = << "."; This file contains message digests of all files listed in MANIFEST, signed via the Module::Signature module, version $VERSION. To verify the content in this distribution, first make sure you have Module::Signature installed, then type: % cpansign -v It would check each file's integrity, as well as the signature's validity. If "==> Signature verified OK! <==" is not displayed, the distribution may already have been compromised, and you should not run its Makefile.PL or Build.PL. . $AutoKeyRetrieve = 1; $CanKeyRetrieve = undef; =head1 NAME Module::Signature - Module signature file manipulation =head1 VERSION This document describes version 0.40 of B<Module::Signature>, released July 1, 2004. =head1 SYNOPSIS As a shell command: % cpansign # verify an existing SIGNATURE, or # make a new one if none exists % cpansign sign # make signature; overwrites existing one % cpansign -s # same thing % cpansign verify # verify a signature % cpansign -v # same thing % cpansign -v --skip # ignore files in MANIFEST.SKIP % cpansign help # display this documentation % cpansign -h # same thing In programs: use Module::Signature qw(sign verify SIGNATURE_OK); sign(); sign(overwrite => 1); # overwrites without asking # see the CONSTANTS section below (verify() == SIGNATURE_OK) or die "failed!"; =head1 DESCRIPTION B<Module::Signature> adds cryptographic authentications to CPAN distributions, via the special F<SIGNATURE> file. If you are a module user, all you have to do is to remember running C<cpansign -v> (or just C<cpansign>) before issuing C<perl Makefile.PL> or C<perl Build.PL>; that will ensure the distribution has not been tampered with. For module authors, you'd want to add the F<SIGNATURE> file to your F<MANIFEST>, then type C<cpansign -s> before making a distribution. You may also want to consider adding this code as F<t/0-signature.t>: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; print "1..1\n"; if (!eval { require Module::Signature; 1 }) { print "ok 1 # skip ", "Next time around, consider install Module::Signature, ", "# so you can verify the integrity of this distribution.\n"; } elsif (!eval { require Socket; Socket::inet_aton('pgp.mit.edu') }) { print "ok 1 # skip ", "Cannot connect to the keyserver\n"; } else { (Module::Signature::verify() == Module::Signature::SIGNATURE_OK()) or print "not "; print "ok 1 # Valid signature\n"; } If you are already using B<Test::More> for testing, a more straightforward version of F<t/0-signature.t> can be found in the B<Module::Signature> distribution. Also, if you prefer a more full-fledged testing package, and are willing to inflict the dependency of B<Module::Build> on your users, Iain Truskett's B<Test::Signature> might be a better choice. Please also see L</NOTES> about F<MANIFEST.SKIP> issues, especially if you are using B<Module::Build> or writing your own F<MANIFEST.SKIP>. =head1 VARIABLES No package variables are exported by default. =over 4 =item $Verbose If true, Module::Signature will give information during processing including gpg output. If false, Module::Signature will be as quiet as possible as long as everything is working ok. Defaults to false. =item $SIGNATURE The filename for a distribution's signature file. Defaults to C<SIGNATURE>. =item $KeyServer The OpenPGP key server for fetching the author's public key (currently only implemented on C<gpg>, not C<Crypt::OpenPGP>). May be set to a false value to prevent this module from fetching public keys. =item $KeyServerPort The OpenPGP key server port, defaults to C<11371>. =item $AutoKeyRetrieve Whether to automatically fetch unknown keys from the key server. Defaults to C<1>. =item $Cipher The default cipher used by the C<Digest> module to make signature files. Defaults to C<SHA1>, but may be changed to other ciphers if the SHA1 cipher is undesirable for the user. The cipher specified in the F<SIGNATURE> file's first entry will be used to validate its integrity. For C<SHA1>, the user needs to have any one of the four modules installed: B<Digest::SHA>, B<Digest::SHA1>, B<Digest::SHA::PurePerl>, or (currently nonexistent) B<Digest::SHA1::PurePerl>. =item $Preamble The explanatory text written to newly generated F<SIGNATURE> files before the actual entries. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT B<Module::Signature> honors these environment variables: =over 4 =item MODULE_SIGNATURE_VERBOSE Works like $Verbose. =item MODULE_SIGNATURE_KEYSERVER Works like $KeyServer. =item MODULE_SIGNATURE_KEYSERVERPORT Works like $KeyServerPort. =back =head1 CONSTANTS These constants are not exported by default. =over 4 =item CANNOT_VERIFY (C<0E0>) Cannot verify the OpenPGP signature, maybe due to lack of network connection to the key server, or neither of gnupg nor Crypt::OpenPGP exists on the system. =item SIGNATURE_OK (C<0>) Signature successfully verified. =item SIGNATURE_MISSING (C<-1>) The F<SIGNATURE> file does not exist. =item SIGNATURE_MALFORMED (C<-2>) The signature file does not contains a valid OpenPGP message. =item SIGNATURE_BAD (C<-3>) Invalid signature detected -- it might have been tampered. =item SIGNATURE_MISMATCH (C<-4>) The signature is valid, but files in the distribution have changed since its creation. =item MANIFEST_MISMATCH (C<-5>) There are extra files in the current directory not specified by the MANIFEST file. =item CIPHER_UNKNOWN (C<-6>) The cipher used by the signature file is not recognized by the C<Digest> and C<Digest::*> modules. =back =head1 NOTES (The following section is lifted from Iain Truskett's B<Test::Signature> module, under the Perl license. Thanks, Iain!) It is B<imperative> that your F<MANIFEST> and F<MANIFEST.SKIP> files be accurate and complete. If you are using C<ExtUtils::MakeMaker> and you do not have a F<MANIFEST.SKIP> file, then don't worry about the rest of this. If you do have a F<MANIFEST.SKIP> file, or you use C<Module::Build>, you must read this. Since the test is run at C<make test> time, the distribution has been made. Thus your F<MANIFEST.SKIP> file should have the entries listed below. If you're using C<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>, you should have, at least: #defaults ^Makefile$ ^blib/ ^pm_to_blib$ ^blibdirs$ These entries are part of the default set provided by C<ExtUtils::Manifest>, which is ignored if you provide your own F<MANIFEST.SKIP> file. If you are using C<Module::Build>, you should have two extra entries: ^Build$ ^_build/ If you don't have the correct entries, C<Module::Signature> will complain that you have: ==> MISMATCHED content between MANIFEST and distribution files! <== You should note this during normal development testing anyway. =cut sub verify { my %args = ( skip => 1, @_ ); my $rv; (-r $SIGNATURE) or do { warn "==> MISSING Signature file! <==\n"; return SIGNATURE_MISSING; }; (my $sigtext = _read_sigfile($SIGNATURE)) or do { warn "==> MALFORMED Signature file! <==\n"; return SIGNATURE_MALFORMED; }; (my ($cipher) = ($sigtext =~ /^(\w+) /)) or do { warn "==> MALFORMED Signature file! <==\n"; return SIGNATURE_MALFORMED; }; (defined(my $plaintext = _mkdigest($cipher))) or do { warn "==> UNKNOWN Cipher format! <==\n"; return CIPHER_UNKNOWN; }; $rv = _verify($SIGNATURE, $sigtext, $plaintext); if ($rv == SIGNATURE_OK) { my ($mani, $file) = _fullcheck($args{skip}); if (@{$mani} or @{$file}) { warn "==> MISMATCHED content between MANIFEST and distribution files! <==\n"; return MANIFEST_MISMATCH; } else { warn "==> Signature verified OK! <==\n" if $Verbose; } } elsif ($rv == SIGNATURE_BAD) { warn "==> BAD/TAMPERED signature detected! <==\n"; } elsif ($rv == SIGNATURE_MISMATCH) { warn "==> MISMATCHED content between SIGNATURE and distribution files! <==\n"; } return $rv; } sub _verify { my $signature = shift || $SIGNATURE; my $sigtext = shift || ''; my $plaintext = shift || ''; local $SIGNATURE = $signature if $signature ne $SIGNATURE; if ($AutoKeyRetrieve and !$CanKeyRetrieve) { if (!defined $CanKeyRetrieve) { require IO::Socket::INET; my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new("$KeyServer:$KeyServerPort"); $CanKeyRetrieve = ($sock ? 1 : 0); $sock->shutdown(2) if $sock; } $AutoKeyRetrieve = $CanKeyRetrieve; } if (my $version = _has_gpg()) { return _verify_gpg($sigtext, $plaintext, $version); } elsif (eval {require Crypt::OpenPGP; 1}) { return _verify_crypt_openpgp($sigtext, $plaintext); } else { warn "Cannot use GnuPG or Crypt::OpenPGP, please install either one first!\n"; return _compare($sigtext, $plaintext, CANNOT_VERIFY); } } sub _has_gpg { `gpg --version` =~ /GnuPG.*?(\S+)$/m or return; return $1; } sub _fullcheck { my $skip = shift; my @extra; local $^W; local $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1; my($mani, $file); if( _legacy_extutils() ) { my $_maniskip = &ExtUtils::Manifest::_maniskip; local *ExtUtils::Manifest::_maniskip = sub { sub { return unless $skip; my $ok = $_maniskip->(@_); if ($ok ||= (!-e 'MANIFEST.SKIP' and _default_skip(@_))) { print "Skipping $_\n" for @_; push @extra, @_; } return $ok; } }; ($mani, $file) = ExtUtils::Manifest::fullcheck(); } else { ($mani, $file) = ExtUtils::Manifest::fullcheck(); } foreach my $makefile ('Makefile', 'Build') { warn "==> SKIPPED CHECKING '$_'!" . (-e "$_.PL" && " (run $_.PL to ensure its integrity)") . " <===\n" for grep $_ eq $makefile, @extra; } @{$mani} = grep {$_ ne 'SIGNATURE'} @{$mani}; warn "Not in MANIFEST: $_\n" for @{$file}; warn "No such file: $_\n" for @{$mani}; return ($mani, $file); } sub _legacy_extutils { # ExtUtils::Manifest older than 1.41 does not handle default skips well. return (ExtUtils::Manifest->VERSION < 1.41); } sub _default_skip { local $_ = shift; return 1 if /\bRCS\b/ or /\bCVS\b/ or /\B\.svn\b/ or /,v$/ or /^MANIFEST\.bak/ or /^Makefile$/ or /^blib\// or /^MakeMaker-\d/ or /^pm_to_blib$/ or /^_build\// or /^Build$/ or /~$/ or /\.old$/ or /\#$/ or /^\.#/; } sub _verify_gpg { my ($sigtext, $plaintext, $version) = @_; local $SIGNATURE = Win32::GetShortPathName($SIGNATURE) if defined &Win32::GetShortPathName and $SIGNATURE =~ /[^-\w.:~\\\/]/; my $keyserver = _keyserver($version); my @quiet = $Verbose ? () : qw(-q --logger-fd=1); my @cmd = ( qw(gpg --verify --batch --no-tty), @quiet, ($KeyServer ? ( "--keyserver=$keyserver", ($AutoKeyRetrieve and $version ge "1.0.7") ? "--keyserver-options=auto-key-retrieve" : () ) : ()), $SIGNATURE ); my $output = ''; if( $Verbose ) { warn "Executing @cmd\n"; system @cmd; } else { my $cmd = join ' ', @cmd; $output = `$cmd`; } if( $? ) { print STDERR $output; } elsif ($output =~ /((?: +[\dA-F]{4}){10,})/) { warn "WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!\n"; warn "Primary key fingerprint:$1\n"; } return SIGNATURE_BAD if ($? and $AutoKeyRetrieve); return _compare($sigtext, $plaintext, (!$?) ? SIGNATURE_OK : CANNOT_VERIFY); } sub _keyserver { my $version = shift; my $scheme = "x-hkp"; $scheme = "hkp" if $version ge "1.2.0"; return "$scheme://$KeyServer:$KeyServerPort"; } sub _verify_crypt_openpgp { my ($sigtext, $plaintext) = @_; require Crypt::OpenPGP; my $pgp = Crypt::OpenPGP->new( ($KeyServer) ? ( KeyServer => $KeyServer, AutoKeyRetrieve => $AutoKeyRetrieve ) : (), ); my $rv = $pgp->handle( Filename => $SIGNATURE ) or die $pgp->errstr; return SIGNATURE_BAD if (!$rv->{Validity} and $AutoKeyRetrieve); if ($rv->{Validity}) { warn "Signature made ", scalar localtime($rv->{Signature}->timestamp), " using key ID ", substr(uc(unpack("H*", $rv->{Signature}->key_id)), -8), "\n", "Good signature from \"$rv->{Validity}\"\n" if $Verbose; } else { warn "Cannot verify signature; public key not found\n"; } return _compare($sigtext, $plaintext, $rv->{Validity} ? SIGNATURE_OK : CANNOT_VERIFY); } sub _read_sigfile { my $sigfile = shift; my $signature = ''; my $well_formed; local *D; open D, $sigfile or die "Could not open $sigfile: $!"; while (<D>) { next if (1 .. /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----/); last if /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE/; $signature .= $_; } return ((split(/\n+/, $signature, 2))[1]); } sub _compare { my ($str1, $str2, $ok) = @_; # normalize all linebreaks $str1 =~ s/[^\S ]+/\n/; $str2 =~ s/[^\S ]+/\n/; return $ok if $str1 eq $str2; if (eval { require Text::Diff; 1 }) { warn "--- $SIGNATURE ".localtime((stat($SIGNATURE))[9])."\n"; warn "+++ (current) ".localtime()."\n"; warn Text::Diff::diff( \$str1, \$str2, { STYLE => "Unified" } ); } else { local (*D, *S); open S, $SIGNATURE or die "Could not open $SIGNATURE: $!"; open D, "| diff -u $SIGNATURE -" or (warn "Could not call diff: $!", return SIGNATURE_MISMATCH); while (<S>) { print D $_ if (1 .. /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----/); print D if (/^Hash: / .. /^$/); next if (1 .. /^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE/); print D $str2, "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n", $_ and last; } print D <S>; close D; } return SIGNATURE_MISMATCH; } sub sign { my %args = ( skip => 1, @_ ); my $overwrite = $args{overwrite}; my $plaintext = _mkdigest(); my ($mani, $file) = _fullcheck($args{skip}); if (@{$mani} or @{$file}) { warn "==> MISMATCHED content between MANIFEST and the distribution! <==\n"; warn "==> Please correct your MANIFEST file and/or delete extra files. <==\n"; } if (!$overwrite and -e $SIGNATURE and -t STDIN) { local $/ = "\n"; print "$SIGNATURE already exists; overwrite [y/N]? "; return unless <STDIN> =~ /[Yy]/; } if (my $version = _has_gpg()) { _sign_gpg($SIGNATURE, $plaintext, $version); } elsif (eval {require Crypt::OpenPGP; 1}) { _sign_crypt_openpgp($SIGNATURE, $plaintext); } else { die "Cannot use GnuPG or Crypt::OpenPGP, please install either one first!"; } warn "==> SIGNATURE file created successfully. <==\n"; return SIGNATURE_OK; } sub _sign_gpg { my ($sigfile, $plaintext, $version) = @_; die "Could not write to $sigfile" if -e $sigfile and (-d $sigfile or not -w $sigfile); local *D; open D, "| gpg --clearsign >> $sigfile.tmp" or die "Could not call gpg: $!"; print D $plaintext; close D; (-e "$sigfile.tmp" and -s "$sigfile.tmp") or do { unlink "$sigfile.tmp"; die "Cannot find $sigfile.tmp, signing aborted.\n"; }; open D, "$sigfile.tmp" or die "Cannot open $sigfile.tmp: $!"; open S, ">$sigfile" or do { unlink "$sigfile.tmp"; die "Could not write to $sigfile: $!"; }; print S $Preamble; print S <D>; close S; close D; unlink("$sigfile.tmp"); my $key_id; my $key_name; # This doesn't work because the output from verify goes to STDERR. # If I try to redirect it using "--logger-fd 1" it just hangs. # WTF? my @verify = `gpg --batch --verify $SIGNATURE`; while (@verify) { if (/key ID ([0-9A-F]+)$/) { $key_id = $1; } elsif (/signature from "(.+)"$/) { $key_name = $1; } } my $found_name; my $found_key; if (defined $key_id && defined $key_name) { my $keyserver = _keyserver($version); while (`gpg --batch --keyserver=$keyserver --search-keys '$key_name'`) { if (/^\(\d+\)/) { $found_name = 0; } elsif ($found_name) { if (/key \Q$key_id\E/) { $found_key = 1; last; } } if (/\Q$key_name\E/) { $found_name = 1; next; } } unless ($found_key) { _warn_non_public_signature($key_name); } } return 1; } sub _sign_crypt_openpgp { my ($sigfile, $plaintext) = @_; require Crypt::OpenPGP; my $pgp = Crypt::OpenPGP->new; my $ring = Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->new( Filename => $pgp->{cfg}->get('SecRing') ) or die $pgp->error(Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing->errstr); my $kb = $ring->find_keyblock_by_index(-1) or die $pgp->error("Can't find last keyblock: " . $ring->errstr); my $cert = $kb->signing_key; my $uid = $cert->uid($kb->primary_uid); warn "Debug: acquiring signature from $uid\n" if $Debug; my $signature = $pgp->sign( Data => $plaintext, Detach => 0, Clearsign => 1, Armour => 1, Key => $cert, PassphraseCallback => \&Crypt::OpenPGP::_default_passphrase_cb, ) or die $pgp->errstr; local *D; open D, ">$sigfile" or die "Could not write to $sigfile: $!"; print D $Preamble; print D $signature; close D; require Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyServer; my $server = Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyServer->new(Server => $KeyServer); unless ($server->find_keyblock_by_keyid($cert->key_id)) { _warn_non_public_signature($uid); } return 1; } sub _warn_non_public_signature { my $uid = shift; warn <<"EOF" You have signed this distribution with a key ($uid) that cannot be found on the public key server at $KeyServer. This will probably cause signature verification to fail if your module is distributed on CPAN. EOF } sub _mkdigest { my $digest = _mkdigest_files(undef, @_) or return; my $plaintext = ''; foreach my $file (sort keys %$digest) { next if $file eq $SIGNATURE; $plaintext .= "@{$digest->{$file}} $file\n"; } return $plaintext; } sub _mkdigest_files { my $p = shift; my $algorithm = shift || $Cipher; my $dosnames = (defined(&Dos::UseLFN) && Dos::UseLFN()==0); my $read = ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread() || {}; my $found = ExtUtils::Manifest::manifind($p); my(%digest) = (); my $obj = eval { Digest->new($algorithm) } || eval { my ($base, $variant) = ($algorithm =~ /^(\w+)(\d+)$/g); require "Digest/$base"; "Digest::$base"->new($variant) } || eval { require "Digest/$algorithm.pm"; "Digest::$algorithm"->new } || eval { my ($base, $variant) = ($algorithm =~ /^(\w+)(\d+)$/g); require "Digest/$base/PurePerl.pm"; "Digest::$base\::PurePerl"->new($variant) } || eval { require "Digest/$algorithm/PurePerl.pm"; "Digest::$algorithm\::PurePerl"->new } or do { warn("Unknown cipher: $algorithm, please install Digest::$algorithm\n"); return; }; foreach my $file (sort keys %$read){ warn "Debug: collecting digest from $file\n" if $Debug; if ($dosnames){ $file = lc $file; $file =~ s=(\.(\w|-)+)=substr ($1,0,4)=ge; $file =~ s=((\w|-)+)=substr ($1,0,8)=ge; } unless ( exists $found->{$file} ) { warn "No such file: $file\n" if $Verbose; } else { local *F; open F, $file or die "Cannot open $file for reading: $!"; binmode(F) if -B $file; $obj->addfile(*F); $digest{$file} = [$algorithm, $obj->hexdigest]; $obj->reset; } } return \%digest; } 1; __END__ =head1 SEE ALSO L<Digest>, L<Digest::SHA>, L<Digest::SHA1>, L<Digest::SHA::PurePerl> L<ExtUtils::Manifest>, L<Crypt::OpenPGP>, L<Test::Signature> =head1 AUTHORS Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>. Parts of the documentation are copyrighted by Iain Truskett, 2002. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html> =cut