[ 2746] By: autrijus on 2001/12/29 07:18:52
Log: * This be OurNet::FuzzyIndex v1.54.
* Updates README to reflect some recent happenings.
* Makefile.PL now flushes buffer before making db.
! Makefile.PL README
[ 2745] By: autrijus on 2001/12/29 07:08:25
Log: * change config target to linkext to satisfy nmake.exe.
! Makefile.PL
[ 2744] By: autrijus on 2001/12/29 06:44:18
Log: * notifies the user before building fianjmo.db.
* removes the old fianjmo.db.
! Makefile.PL
[ 2743] By: autrijus on 2001/12/29 06:41:00
Log: * Changed the fianjmo.db building target to "config" instead of "test"
* bin/fianjmo uses the {nextone} property to get more accurate answers.
* The test case now allows for different sort algorithms.
* includes the PerlCtrl is distro now.
* updates MANIFEST.
! ChatBot.pm FuzzyIndex.pm MANIFEST Makefile.PL bin/fianjmo
! t/Index-ChatBot.t
[ 2740] By: autrijus on 2001/12/28 07:15:35
Log: * cleans up style, comments and linting
* uses ppport.h to accomplish true 5.000+ compatibility
* implements newSVuv manually by ourselves
+ ppport.h
! FuzzyIndex.pm FuzzyIndex.xs parse.c
[ 2267] By: autrijus on 2001/11/04 05:58:30
Log: * the belated changes.
! Changes
[ 2265] By: autrijus on 2001/11/04 00:07:08
Log: * finally, a working fuzzyindex control.
! PerlCtrl/FuzzyIndex.pl PerlCtrl/FuzzyIndex.vbs
! PerlCtrl/Makefile
[ 2258] By: autrijus on 2001/11/02 21:36:51
Log: * win32 controll wrapper for fuzzyindex.
+ PerlCtrl/FuzzyIndex.pl PerlCtrl/FuzzyIndex.vbs
+ PerlCtrl/Makefile
[ 2257] By: autrijus on 2001/11/02 20:49:08
Log: * updated scripts to have RCS tags and modern POD.
* this by FuzzyIndex v1.53 release.
! bin/fianjmo bin/fzindex bin/fzquery
[ 2149] By: autrijus on 2001/10/18 06:43:43
Log: * cut sales-talk in README.
* much better POD for ChatBot.
* clarify parse.c layout.
! ChatBot.pm FuzzyIndex.pm Makefile.PL README parse.c
[ 2009] By: autrijus on 2001/10/09 11:52:29
Log: * patch+kluge to make FuzzyIndex work under 5.5.
! ChatBot.pm FuzzyIndex.xs Makefile.PL t/FuzzyIndex.t
[ 1490] By: clkao on 2001/07/30 11:43:30
Log: create db files in the proper directory.
! ChatBot.pm
[ 922] By: autrijus on 2001/06/05 14:15:00
Log: * a very weird workaround.
! t/Index-ChatBot.t
[ 921] By: autrijus on 2001/06/05 14:07:26
Log: * the actualbundling of fianjmo package.
! bin/fianjmo t/Index-ChatBot.t
[ 920] By: autrijus on 2001/06/05 13:49:16
Log: * Incoporating fianjmo into FuzzyIndex 1.52
+ ChatBot.pm bin/fianjmo t/Index-ChatBot.t
! FuzzyIndex.pm MANIFEST Makefile.PL bin/fzindex bin/fzquery
! t/FuzzyIndex.t
[ 885] By: autrijus on 2001/06/01 12:57:47
Log: * missing changes and manifest.
+ Changes
[ 884] By: autrijus on 2001/06/01 12:56:00
Log: * missing TODO
[ 883] By: autrijus on 2001/06/01 12:55:35
Log: * branch out for seperate release
+ FuzzyIndex.pm Makefile.PL README bin/fzindex bin/fzquery
+ t/FuzzyIndex.t
+> FuzzyIndex.xs avltree.c avltree.h parse.c
[ 882] By: autrijus on 2001/06/01 12:22:34
Log: * branch back into OurNet-FuzzyIndex.