[ 1519] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 22:00:34
Log: * oops.
! Makefile.PL
[ 1518] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 21:59:19
Log: * 0.03.
* added par.pl, a stand-alone invocation utility for PAR.
* added README.
+ README script/par.pl
! MANIFEST Makefile.PL PAR.pm
[ 1517] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 20:53:38
Log: * changes and signature.
[ 1516] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 20:52:38
Log: * Officially 0.02.
! PAR.pm
[ 1515] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 20:51:53
Log: * all tests are now mandatory.
! t/1-basic.t
[ 1514] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 20:49:57
Log: * 0.02.
* thanks to ton hospel, we don't need Filter::Simple anymore.
- PAR/Filter.pm
! MANIFEST Makefile.PL PAR.pm
[ 1513] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 20:24:54
Log: * changes and signature.
[ 1512] By: autrijus on 2002/10/18 20:23:57
Log: * The Perl Archive Library, version 0.01.
+ MANIFEST Makefile.PL PAR.pm PAR/Filter.pm t/0-signature.t
+ t/1-basic.t t/hello.par