[  2323] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/23  14:21:11
        Log: * Version 0.49.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2322] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/23  14:20:39
        Log: * Now generate META.yml instead of META.yaml in accord
             with Module::Build's convention.
	   ! script/pp
[  2294] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/22  14:55:30
        Log: * use $Config{version} as the perl version number instead 
             of the old, kludged way.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2193] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/15  17:58:13
        Log: * generalized nmake fetching device.
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  2191] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/15  15:04:38
        Log: * adding the nmake fetching device.
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  2146] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/14  00:22:12
        Log: * evil ideas that struck me in the dreams.
	   ! TODO
[  2106] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/13  11:10:25
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  2105] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/13  11:00:51
        Log: * This be 0.48, the "ActivePerl 5.6 works" edition.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2104] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/13  10:59:21
        Log: * turns out that Win32 doesn't need UNLINK => 1 at all.
	   ! PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  2103] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/13  10:58:51
        Log: * when we say -q we mean -q.
	   ! script/pp
[  2102] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/13  09:55:09
        Log: * in earlier perl there's no returning of _destruct.
	   ! myldr/main.c
[  2101] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/13  09:51:40
        Log: * handles ithreads initiation.
             * fixed ActiverPerl 5.6's memory allocation problem
             reported by Glenn and Hirosi Taguti.
	   ! myldr/main.c
[  2100] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/13  09:48:48
        Log: * fix suffixes used by temporary perl modules
             * merge Mattia's PAR.pm patch to par.pl.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  2077] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/10  09:20:23
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  2076] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/10  06:34:19
        Log: * This be 0.47.
	   ! myldr/main.c
[  2075] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/10  06:33:51
        Log: * Perl 5.6.1 doesn't have PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END, and
             needs some additional tweaking. (Reported by Hirosi Taguti)
	   ! AUTHORS PAR.pm
[  2073] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/09  23:35:00
        Log: * pod nits.
	   ! script/pp
[  2072] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/09  23:34:48
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  2071] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/09  22:42:14
        Log: * This be 0.46, the 'Win32 standalone exe works' edition.
             * Updates information about a shared Perl58.dll (or
             is still needed for stand-alone binaries on Win32.
	   ! PAR.pm README script/pp
[  2070] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/09  22:35:42
        Log: * some missing binmode() for win32.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  2069] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/09  22:31:04
        Log: * fix for Win32 where %:: doesn't contain the .pm
             files needed to bundle modules in par.pl -B.
             (Reported by Glenn Mabbutt)
	   ! script/par.pl
[  2068] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/09  09:04:42
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  2063] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  20:39:30
        Log: * Version 0.45.
             * Add Tim Conrow to AUTHORS.
	   ! AUTHORS PAR.pm
[  2062] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  20:36:23
        Log: * 'pp -r' was unable to run without '.' in PATH. fixed.
             * the external 'file' magic checker does not exist
             everywhere -- now checks for its availability first.
	   ! script/pp
[  2061] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  20:34:22
        Log: * handles END blocks during destruction.
             (originally reported by Tim Conrow)
             * excised unneeded prepare_args().
             * moves load_me_2 from eval_pv into the -e argument --
             otherwise pp_exit fails jumping out.
	   ! myldr/main.c
[  2060] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  20:31:07
        Log: * applied patch from Tim Conrow: prevent Makefile.PL's
             argument from being passed to xsinit().
	   ! myldr/Makefile.PL
[  2059] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  20:29:56
        Log: * add selected _tmpfile patch from Mattia Barbon to
             skip File::Temp::_deferred_unlink on win32.
             * removed manual flushing code because it inhibits
             other package's END block.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2055] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  14:37:59
        Log: * This be 0.44.
             * Documentation changes.
[  2054] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  14:37:27
        Log: * fixed the mis-loading SO files problem in Heavy.pm.
	   ! PAR/Heavy.pm script/par.pl
[  2053] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  14:36:57
        Log: * mention 'pp' in docs.
             * allows using pp-packaged executables as PAR files.
             * applied Martia Barbon's _tempfile patch as a fail-back
             to IO::File->new_tmpfile.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2052] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  14:35:33
        Log: * 'pp' is useful without binary 'par', so install it
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  2051] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/08  14:34:59
        Log: * refactored 'pp' to excise unused code.
             * MANIFEST and META.yaml are now generated.
             * s/compile/package/ in docs.
	   ! script/pp
[  2045] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/07  14:40:23
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  2041] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/07  14:20:27
        Log: * 0.43.
             * retracted par.pl unzip hook because it breaks dynamic
	   ! PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  2031] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/07  02:07:47
        Log: * l10n.
	   ! t/0-signature.t
[  2030] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/07  00:23:11
        Log: * changes. (signature temporarily out of commission)
	   ! Changes
[  2029] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/07  00:22:37
        Log: * This be 0.42, the "Win32 Works!" edition.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2028] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/07  00:13:50
        Log: * par now officially works on win32.
	   ! PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  2027] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/06  23:01:46
        Log: * nmake doesn't support .DEFAULTS, duh.
	   ! myldr/Makefile.PL
[  2026] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/06  23:01:32
        Log: * utilize HAS_PROCSELFEXE to correctly get $0.
             * fix $0 by finding it in path on other systems.
	   ! myldr/main.c script/par.pl
[  2022] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/06  12:05:07
        Log: * Version 0.41.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2021] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/06  12:04:04
        Log: * pp -M was broken. fixed.
	   ! script/pp
[  2020] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/06  10:54:32
        Log: * now IO::File only gets overridden when $PAR::__reading
             is true -- that makes normal use of IO::File possible.
	   ! PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  2019] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/06  10:53:56
        Log: * add jeff goff to authors for the name 'pp'.
[  2017] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  22:03:25
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  2016] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  22:02:09
        Log: * This be version 0.40.
             * The 'pp' program, a clone of perlcc, now supercedes
             'makepar.pl'; please type 'perldoc pp' after installation.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2015] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  21:56:38
        Log: * option and message tweaks.
	   ! script/pp
[  2014] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  21:47:18
        Log: * fix warnings.
	   ! script/pp
[  2013] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  21:43:37
        Log: * POD typo and style fix.
	   ! script/pp
[  2012] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  21:40:13
        Log: * par.pl now takes -q to be quiet.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  2011] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  21:39:54
        Log: * reflect last change in support files.
[  2010] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  21:39:16
        Log: * 'pp', with an interface mimicking perlcc, now
             officially supercedes makepar.pl.
	   + script/pp
	   - script/makepar.pl
[  2007] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  19:54:09
        Log: * bump version.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2006] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  19:45:50
        Log: * oops. i meant 0.10.
	   ! Makefile.PL script/makepar.pl
[  2005] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  19:45:13
        Log: * update to scandeps 0.03.
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  2004] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  19:37:18
        Log: * better diagnostics when no program file specified.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  2003] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  19:36:54
        Log: * make perl 5.6 happy.
	   ! myldr/main.c
[  1989] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  14:18:54
        Log: * changes and signatures. 
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1988] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  14:18:45
        Log: * fix manifest, again.
[  1987] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  14:12:21
        Log: * 0.30, for real.
             * Thank Mattia Barbon and his App::Packer!
[  1986] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  14:12:01
        Log: * fix manifest.
[  1985] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/05  14:10:43
        Log: * 0.30.
             * full stand-alone binary support for PAR landed!
	   + myldr/Makefile.PL myldr/file2c.pl myldr/main.c
	   - patches/perl580.diff
	   ! script/makepar.pl script/par.pl
[  1923] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/04  13:29:44
        Log: * add a hint to self.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1907] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/04  08:04:07
        Log: * we're a toolkit now.
	   ! Makefile.PL PAR.pm README
[  1873] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/03  19:22:45
        Log: * reword 0-signature.t a bit for readability.
	   ! t/0-signature.t
[  1872] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/03  19:22:24
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1857] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/03  12:45:26
        Log: * This be 0.22.
             * %DATACache no longer used.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1856] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/03  12:42:26
        Log: * oops, the DL extension loading was bad.
             * stub __DATA__ handle no longer needed.
	   ! PAR/Heavy.pm
[  1855] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/03  12:41:13
        Log: * Matt Sergeant's suggestion obsoletes PerlIO::scalar
             and IO::Scalar with IO::File.
	   ! AUTHORS Makefile.PL PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  1853] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/03  10:10:27
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1847] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  21:08:04
        Log: * 0.21, the General Availability (for non-perlcc usage)
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1846] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  21:06:21
        Log: * adjust load sequence and complain when loading fails.
             * excise BSDPAN.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  1845] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  21:03:41
        Log: * list caveats pointer to TODO
	   ! README script/makepar.pl
[  1843] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  20:34:25
        Log: * doc tweak for par.pl.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  1842] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  20:33:51
        Log: * provide minimal documentation for PAR::Heavy.
	   ! PAR/Heavy.pm
[  1841] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  20:33:29
        Log: * Module::ScanDeps 0.01 was broken. Bump dep to 0.02.
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  1834] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  15:38:50
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1822] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  02:02:32
        Log: * This be 0.20.
             * Mention my slides at
	   ! PAR.pm README
[  1821] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  01:59:51
        Log: * Add perlcc caveats into TODO.
	   ! TODO
[  1820] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  01:53:52
        Log: * massively refactored into Module::ScanDeps.
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1819] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/02  01:51:12
        Log: * we now depend on Module::ScanDeps for makepar.pl.
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  1814] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/01  22:07:29
        Log: * add comments.
             * load external PerlIO::scalar and File::Temp if possible.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  1813] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/01  16:20:10
        Log: * reflect -b/-B distinction in documentation.
	   ! README script/makepar.pl
[  1812] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/01  16:19:49
        Log: * complete self-loading sequence.
             * -b now ditches core modules; -B includes them.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  1811] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/01  16:19:11
        Log: * complement last change.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1810] By: autrijus                              on 2002/11/01  16:18:49
        Log: * refactor _init_dynaloader() into PAR::Heavy.
	   + PAR/Heavy.pm
[  1792] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  21:52:34
        Log: * pod tweaks.
	   ! README script/makepar.pl
[  1790] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  19:00:24
        Log: * copying the doc into README.
             * binary bundling cannot use makepar.pl -S, fixed docs.
	   ! README script/makepar.pl
[  1789] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  18:54:59
        Log: * document tweak, suggested by coral.
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1788] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  18:48:54
        Log: * finally, a working perl2exe/perlapp alone.
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1787] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  18:48:40
        Log: * -B now bundles the necessary .pm and .ix too.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  1786] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  18:48:21
        Log: * fix mis-podifying paragraph.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1785] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  17:24:11
        Log: * add core module ignore feature: -s and -S
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1781] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  10:30:55
        Log: * include it in the distribution.
	   ! MANIFEST Makefile.PL
[  1780] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  10:30:45
        Log: * documentations, -M and -I support, and some more.
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1779] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  10:05:38
        Log: * making it -w clean.
             * now prints percentage of things written.
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1778] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  09:30:11
        Log: * now with -B support for script/ inclusion.
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1777] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  09:21:00
        Log: * finished!
	   ! script/makepar.pl
[  1776] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  09:12:54
        Log: * rename to makepar.
	  +> script/makepar.pl
	   - script/depscan.pl
[  1774] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  08:12:32
        Log: * some tweaks to separate warnings.
	   ! script/depscan.pl
[  1773] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/30  08:10:35
        Log: * depscan, courtesy of Indy Singh.
	   + script/depscan.pl
[  1709] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  22:02:16
        Log: * tpyo.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1708] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  20:53:08
        Log: * updates test case.
	   ! t/1-basic.t t/hello.par
[  1707] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  20:52:53
        Log: * see the last two changes, applied to par.pl this time.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  1706] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  20:51:25
        Log: * use warnings. that helped us catch a (nonserious) bug.
             * no strict nor warnings for the included program.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1705] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  20:49:01
        Log: * Win32 doesn't want PerlIO::scalar at all.
             * Glenn reported that earlier Archive::Zip doesn't work.
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  1704] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  17:36:03
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1703] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  17:33:48
        Log: * This be version 0.15.
             * Added contributor list.
[  1702] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  17:24:23
        Log: * More PerlIO::scalar unwelcomeness on MSWin32.
             * This makes all test pass on that platform.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1700] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  17:19:33
        Log: * Win32 doesn't like single quotes in qx().
	   ! t/1-basic.t
[  1698] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  17:12:31
        Log: * For some reason, the PerlIO::scalar way doesn't work on
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1694] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  10:18:21
        Log: * changes and signatures.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1693] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  10:16:25
        Log: * RCS headers.
	   ! script/par.pl
[  1692] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/27  10:15:27
        Log: * 0.14.
             * Fixed -B omission bug pointed out by Glenn Mabbutt.
             * style fixes.
	   ! PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  1653] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/24  22:04:57
        Log: * let's start anew with some reformatting.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1596] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/21  20:30:14
        Log: * suggestion from #perl.
	   ! TODO
[  1595] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/21  20:28:13
        Log: * Beginning backporting to Perl 5.004.
             * Jan Dubois pointed out a chunk of code that needs
             lest it obfusticates itself too much.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1594] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/21  17:13:57
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1593] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/21  17:10:15
        Log: * Version 0.13.
             * Implemented suggestion from Nicholas Clark: on PerlIO
             environments, return PerlIO::scalar in the @INC hook,
             instead of line-by-line filtering.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1592] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/21  17:08:24
        Log: * added -B to par.pl to allow packaging of shared objects.
             * that completed one of the many TODOs.
	   ! TODO script/par.pl
[  1574] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/20  19:05:20
        Log: * experimental support for embedded .so files for full
	   ! PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  1570] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/20  12:46:06
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1569] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/20  12:45:22
        Log: * oops. should require Archive::Zip explicitly lest it
	       fails loading.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1568] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/20  12:41:04
        Log: * (documents and really implements the last change)
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1567] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/20  12:27:25
        Log: * Version 0.12.
             * Patch from Nicholas Clark: coderef in @INC can just
	       return a coderef.
             * Multiple-perl version PAR files. Search path is now
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1566] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/20  12:22:25
        Log: * update tests to reflect changed main.pl semantic.
	   ! t/1-basic.t
[  1565] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/20  12:22:12
        Log: * patch from Nicholas Clark: 5.6.0 doesn't have File::Temp
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  1561] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  22:16:33
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1560] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  22:15:26
        Log: * Thie be 0.11.
             * removed obsoleted test files.
	   ! PAR.pm t/hello.par
[  1559] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  21:38:12
        Log: * todo, manifest, changes to default main.pl semantic.
	   + TODO
	   ! MANIFEST PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  1545] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  17:24:52
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1544] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  17:23:23
        Log: * 0.10.
             * XS modules are now supported!
             * looks in $Config{archname}/ in addition to arch/ for
             PAR files support.
	   ! PAR.pm script/par.pl
[  1542] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  15:18:30
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1541] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  15:17:50
        Log: * This be 0.06.
             * cleaned up the documentations.
             * documents the stand-alone executable's format.
	   ! PAR.pm README script/par.pl
[  1540] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  15:17:09
        Log: * oops, PerlIO::Scalar should read IO::Scalar.
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  1538] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  14:19:57
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1537] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  14:18:37
        Log: * Version 0.05.
             * Full DATA section support with PerlIO::scalar or
             * script/par.pl now dies if the .par file is not found.
	   ! Makefile.PL PAR.pm script/par.pl t/1-basic.t
	   ! t/hello.par
[  1523] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  02:34:08
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1522] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  02:31:09
        Log: * This be 0.04.
             * updated manifest and test files.
	   ! MANIFEST t/1-basic.t t/hello.par
[  1521] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/19  02:30:49
        Log: * feature request from Antti Lankila: stand-alone
             par executable via -O.
             * now automatically executes 'main.pl' from .par files.
             * incoporate a patch for 5.8.0's broken B::C.
             * updated manpage and instructions.
	   + patches/perl580.diff
	   ! PAR.pm README script/par.pl
[  1520] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  22:22:27
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1519] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  22:00:34
        Log: * oops.
	   ! Makefile.PL
[  1518] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  21:59:19
        Log: * 0.03.
             * added par.pl, a stand-alone invocation utility for PAR.
             * added README.
	   + README script/par.pl
	   ! MANIFEST Makefile.PL PAR.pm
[  1517] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  20:53:38
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   ! Changes SIGNATURE
[  1516] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  20:52:38
        Log: * Officially 0.02.
	   ! PAR.pm
[  1515] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  20:51:53
        Log: * all tests are now mandatory.
	   ! t/1-basic.t
[  1514] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  20:49:57
        Log: * 0.02.
             * thanks to ton hospel, we don't need Filter::Simple
	   - PAR/Filter.pm
	   ! MANIFEST Makefile.PL PAR.pm
[  1513] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  20:24:54
        Log: * changes and signature.
	   + Changes SIGNATURE
[  1512] By: autrijus                              on 2002/10/18  20:23:57
        Log: * The Perl Archive Library, version 0.01.
	   + MANIFEST Makefile.PL PAR.pm PAR/Filter.pm
	   + t/0-signature.t t/1-basic.t t/hello.par