[Changes for 0.08 - 2004-09-13]

* The HTML generated by afpdump.pl is now much more readable and pretty.
* Added the ability of detecting and displaying info on fixed width fonts
  to afpmkfontdb.pl and afpviewfontdb.pl.
* More correct parsing for PGD and STO.
* Fixed a spurious warning in afpconv.pl.

[Changes for 0.07 - 2004-09-09]

* Reduced memory usage for script/* tools.
* Depend on Parse::Binary 0.08 to further reduce memory usage.

[Changes for 0.06 - 2004-09-08]

* Corrected DBD::SQLite's BLOB usage in fontdb scripts.
* Cleaned up and speeded up afpmkfontdb.pl.
* Give sane defaults for the scripts.
* Correctly install all scripts instead of only the first one.
* Inhibit test warnings temporarily.

[Changes for 0.05 - 2004-09-08]

* New scripts: afpsplit.pl, afpmkfontdb.pl, afpviewfontdb.pl.
* Speeded up afpdump.pl and PTX parsing.
* Added CPC, FNC parsing.
* Raise dep to Parse::Binary 0.06, Perl 5.8.2.

[Changes for 0.04 - 2004-02-17]

* PTD1 and PGP1 were broken.
* Add backtrace sighandler to script/*.
* Switch to callback_members API.
* Add afpconv.pl.
* ->dispatch and ->dispatch_members, two utility method to ease filter writing.
  eventually we want it to become a full Parse::AFP::Filter class.

[Changes for 0.03 - 2004-02-13]

* Silence warnings during pack.
* Multimember support.
* Refactor per-member dump back to Parse::AFP.
* Start of variant packing
* Use Parse::Binary instead of Parse::AFP::FixedFormat.
* Adjust to the new accessor methods of Parse::Binary
* Move length functions to AFP side.
* Properly install afpdump.pl.

[Changes for 0.02 - 2004-02-10]

* Add afpdump.pl, an utility to dump afp files to HTML files.
* Raise dependency to Perl 5.8.1+.

[Changes for 0.01 - 2004-02-09]

* Initial CPAN release.