# $File: //depot/RT/osf/ChangeLog $
# $Revision: #7 $ $Change: 9975 $ $DateTime: 2004/02/09 20:00:26 $

[Changes for 0.00_10 - July 11, 2004]

First fully installable CPAN release.

[Changes for 0.00_08 - Feburary 10, 2004]

Fix Attribute initialization problems; first draft of
openfoundry-setup; synchronized with RT 3.0.9pre4.

[Changes for 0.00_07 - Feburary 5, 2004]

Fix setup problems; added the INSTALL document.

[Changes for 0.00_06 - Feburary 2, 2004]

Maintainence release.  First attempt at making the VCS system
generally configurable.

[Changes for 0.00_05 - January 10, 2003]

Fix initial permissions for Kwiki data.

Fix initialization problems with SetAttribute calls.

[Changes for 0.00_04 - December 25, 2003]

Proper initialdata setup; this is now part of a fully
functional install of the www/openfoundry/ FreeBSD port.

It needs rt-elixus build 9441 or above to install.

[Changes for 0.00_03 - December 15, 2003]

Now installs itself with help from Module::Install::RTx.

[Changes for 0.00_02 - November 15, 2003]

Tell search.cpan.org to not index html/*.

[Changes for 0.00_01 - November 15, 2003]

Initial CPAN preview release.