Revision history for Perl module App-vaporcalc

0.004001 2015-11-06

  - Always show 'max VG' total

0.003004 2015-09-11

  - Fix a bug related to handling unknown flavor base types
    (due to stale pre-0.2.x code)

0.003003 2015-08-15

  - Switch to cpanfile packaging

  - More recipes/

  - Minor optimizations

0.003002 2014-08-16

  - Support loading 'relaxed' JSON for friendlier recipe-munging

  - Happy CPAN day!

0.003001 2014-04-25

  - 'vaporcalc --recipe=PATH' syntax

  - More recipes/

  - use Test::Modern;

  - FDA proposed regs (that would shut down small-time e-liquid makers)
    published today. Hurrah?

0.002002 2014-03-05

  - Support 'flavor clear'

  - Fix Percentage type to be a subtype of StrictNum

0.002001 2014-02-21

  - Support for multiple flavors

0.001004 2014-02-10

  - vaporcalc interface improvements;
    default to calling 'calc', improve recipe/result output template

0.001003 2014-02-09

  - Explicitly depend on JSON::MaybeXS-1.001+

0.001002 2014-02-09

  - Fix some Windows test failures relating to temp files

0.001001 2014-02-09

  - Initial release