# Bot::Cobalt Changes

* 0.010  (21 Jun 2012)

  Add Bot::Cobalt::Core::Loader, a lightweight module load/unload class,
  and update Bot::Cobalt::Core + Bot::Cobalt::Plugins::PluginMgr to make 
  use of it. Sanitizes previous module load/unload code.

    - Handle configured superusers in context '-ALL'
    - Reloadable
    - Significant cleanups
  Bot::Cobalt::IRC::FloodChk; support fractional seconds.

  POD updates, particularly Bot::Cobalt::Manual::Plugins.

  Wide-ranging cleanups, minor optimizations and expanded tests.

* 0.009  (15 Jun 2012)

  Fix RDB.pm bug that would cause log noise on certain command 
  Vaguely improved configuration validation.

  The beginnings of some core / PluginMgr plug load/unload cleanup.

* 0.008  (13 Jun 2012)

  Core configuration accessors no longer return cloned copies of config 
  hashes. This behavior was intended to make it harder for plugins to 
  break core config unintentionally, but it was also unintuitive 
  enough to trip myself up from time to time ;-)
  Return actual references instead.
    - Drop Logger/LogMethod, always carp/croak/confess
    - Throw proper exceptions on most errors
    - Support writefile() lock retries and timeout

  Bot::Cobalt::IRC refactor and fixes:
    - ircplug_connect & ircplug_disconnect handlers
    - '!server' command handler in IRC::Role::AdminCmds    
    - Move outgoing-to-IRC handlers to IRC::Role::UserEvents
    - Improved disconnect cleanup
    - Improved warnings/logging

    - support list-style arguments in rplprintf()
    - build %C_* vars for rplprintf at load-time rather than when called 
  Plugin::Master; required access levels should've come from PluginOpts
  (rather than Opts, as this plugin doesn't normally have an external cfg)

  Die with stack traces on most errors (confess rather than croak)

  Various syntax / POD / test cleanups.

* 0.007  (06 Jun 2012)
  Fix usage help message in Plugin::Extras::CPAN.

  Push missing bin/cobalt2{-installer, -plugin-installcf} portable path 
  fixes. (Uh, oops?)
  Add missing test for Frontend::RC.

* 0.006  (05 Jun 2012)

  Fix instance rc files:
    - Kill old-style rcfiles, use YAML like other confs
    - Allow absolute 'BASE' path to be passed in
    - Default to cwd() if not absolute and home directory not available
    - Create portable paths (File::Spec)
  This is an incompatible change; issue an informative error and 
  suggest running `cobalt2-installer` on failure.

  Add Plugin::Extras::CPAN, a simplistic MetaCPAN and Module::CoreList 
  querying plugin.

  Add debug opt to Bot::Cobalt::Conf constructor. Pass our --debug value 
  to Conf as well (in bin/cobalt2 and Plugin::Rehash).

  Bot::Cobalt::Serializer should complain when freeze() or thaw() are 
  given no data.

  Improved ::Core log object handling. Create initial log object at 
  construction-time (not Syndicator start time) and ensure that 
  replacement log objects can handle log methods in use in the core set.
  Use Try::Tiny in place of previous block evals and $@ checks.

  Depend on newer POE::Component::Client::HTTP and 
  POE::Component::Resolver. Systems with older Components that happened 
  to grab newer Socket::GetAddrInfo would produce failures due to 
  Socket::GetAddrInfo API changes -- newer POE bits make use of newer 
  Socket.pm and drop the GetAddrInfo dependency entirely.
  ...Not technically "our problem" but this makes my life less annoying 
  on a couple machines :-)

  Some POD improvements and widely expanded tests.

  Drop 'tick' tracker for low-priority timer pool; pretty useless.

  Various small bug/oversight fixes:
   - Conf.pm; catch Serializer failures and report more details
     Related Plugin::Rehash fix to leave current configs untouched on
     read_cfg failures.
   - IRC.pm; more consistent error messages
   - IRC::Event::Nick; fix common() when channels() has changed
   - Explicitly 'use strictures' in IRC::* subclasses
   - Plugin::Auth; log to error() not emerg()

* 0.005  (29 May 2012)

  Fix an IRC.pm bug that would cause failures if an error event was 
  received for a context that never completed a connection.

  Fix Utils.pm bug in glob_* functions that would cause failures when
  operating on an untrue value. Should've been defined() checks.

  POD and test improvements and clean-ups.

* 0.004  (27 May 2012)

  Fix IRC.pm bug that kept sessions hanging about when the bot was 
  terminated via an online command. (This fixes the busted '!die' 
  command from Plugin::Master).
  Also improve shutdown cleanups in Core.

  Code cleanups (no functionality change):
   - Bot::Cobalt::IRC
   - Bot::Cobalt::Utils
   - Significant POD cleanups

* 0.003  (22 May 2012)

  Require perl-5.12.1; given/when changed sometime in there, it seems,
   and I'm tired of playing with EOL Perls anyway.

  Some Plugin::RDB cleanups.

* 0.002

  Fix a couple oversights resulting in test failures:
   - Fix Utils.pm test failures on <perl-5.14
   - Fix Plugin::Auth syntax error on <perl-5.14

   - Warn if Info3 seems to be missing

  POD tweaks.

* 0.001

  Initial release of Bot::Cobalt