Revision history for Perl module Crypt-ZCert

0.003001 2014-11-23

  - Make ->generate_keypair available as a class method

0.002005 2014-11-21

  - Depend on newer Path::Tiny (for ->chmod)

0.002004 2014-11-08

  - Switch to FFI::CheckLib for dynamic lib check

0.002003 2014-10-27

  - Depend on newer List::Objects::WithUtils to guarantee TO_ZPL availability

0.002002 2014-10-26

  - Documentation & test fixes

0.002001 2014-10-26

  - Provide 'export_zcert' method for returning generated certs

  - Add 'ignore_existing =>' constructor opt to allow overwriting existing

  - Fix missing file warn/die behavior

  - Return invocant from ->commit

0.001001 2014-10-25

  - Initial release