Revision history for Perl module POEx-Weather-OpenWeatherMap
0.003001 2015-12-29
- Add 'set_api_key' for setting/changing 'api_key' after object construction
- Explicitly clean up cache when Emitter stops; expire stale items if a
persistent 'cache_dir' is in use or clear the cache entirely if caching to
- carp() about it if constructed without an 'api_key'
0.002002 2015-12-28
- examples/ fixes
- Depend on newer Weather::OpenWeatherMap for hourly forecast support
0.002001 2014-08-16
- Support 'find' requests
0.001005 2014-05-09
- Add cache support via Weather::OpenWeatherMap::Cache
0.001004 2014-04-25
- use Defaults::Modern;
0.001003 2014-04-24
- POD, test tweaks
0.001002 2014-04-23
- Drop some deprecated leftovers ('_in_shutdown' attr)
- Packaging fixes; missing MooX::Role::POE::Emitter dependency
0.001001 2014-04-23
- Initial release