package QFontInfo; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); require DynaLoader; require QGlobal; require QFont; @ISA = qw(DynaLoader Qt::Base); $VERSION = '1.03'; bootstrap QFontInfo $VERSION; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME QFontInfo - Interface to the Qt QFontInfo class =head1 SYNOPSIS C<use QFontInfo;> Requires QFont. =head2 Member functions new, bold, charSet, exactMatch, family, fixedPitch, font, italic, pointSize, rawMode, strikeOut, styleHint, underline, weight =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is fully interfaced. WYSIWYG =head1 SEE ALSO qfontinfo(3qt) =head1 AUTHOR Ashley Winters <>