Revision history for DBIx-Simple-Procedure
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
1.30 08/21/2009 10:27 PM EST
Added validif command, a synonym for the proceed command
Fixed how the proceed command handles empty placeholders
Fixed the declare command to append custom parameters instead of overwriting
Added the examine command to aid in debugging procedures, the examine command errors out with the passed statement
Create a standardized error message via the _error routine
Fixed cursor counter
Fixed processor method, was ignoring statement with multiple placeholders
1.40 08/23/2009 6:14 PM EST
Fixed proceed command and its synonyms validif and ifvalid
Added setting command to instruct the module on how to handle blank parameters
Added the ability to pass a hashref to be processed
1.57 08/24/2009 11:16 PM EST
Included better documentation
The include command now passes existing custom parameters
Fixed the clear command to include re-initializing the resultsets, the queue, etc