Changelog for Data-Object

0.11 2015-01-02T05:01:50
 - Updated documentation.
 - Reworked codification.
 - Removed method requirements in lib/Data/Object/Role/

0.10 2015-01-01T06:25:26
 - v0.10
 - Removed assertions and validations and added instantiation function

0.09 2014-12-23T03:34:14
 - v0.09
 - Added tests for the dump method on all data objects.
 - Added the Output role to all Data Objects.

0.08 2014-12-17T15:36:53
 - v0.08
 - Implemented Values/Detract roles.

0.07 2014-12-15T12:21:49
 - v0.07
 - Added META file to dist.

0.06 2014-12-14T02:15:37
 - v0.06
 - Updated documentation.
 - Rewrote history a bit.
 - Added detract and detract_deep functions.
 - Relocated the object type roles.
 - Fixed fractional numeric tests.
 - Updated the required Perl version.
 - Fixed documentation.

0.05 2014-12-11T20:15:49
 - v0.05
 - Added some initial documentation.
 - Added deduce_deep function.
 - Added deduce_type function.

0.04 2014-12-07T21:13:04
 - v0.04
 - Added overloading and deducing, and other undocumented functionality.

0.03 2014-12-04T04:26:57
 - v0.03
 - Added object construction functions.

0.02 2014-12-03T11:01:41
 - v0.02
 - Initial commit.