This file documents the revision history for the Perl library Validation::Class.
2.7.6 2011-11-26
- Fixed post-validation filtering logic
2.7.5 2011-11-26
- Updated POD, removed disclaimer documented filtering directive
- Auto-apply filtering directive - allow field-level filtering option
2.7.0 2011-11-19
- Updated POD, documented filtering attributes and appy_filters method
- Now supports pre/post filtering
2.6.0 2011-11-09
- Updated POD, documented clone method and regex spec
- Validate method accepts regexps' to validate variable field
- Clone method allows the creating/cloning of fields on-the-fly
2.5.2 2011-11-09
- Now using Perl::Critic (fixed various syntactical nuances)
- Add PerlTidy to the build process
2.5.1 2011-11-08
- Updated POD
- The class method now uses shortnames and classnames. Fields
without labels are not prefixed with 'Field' when an error message is
2.5.0 2011-11-05
- Updated/Fixed POD
- Moved filtering and initialization routines into the sanitize method
which will run per validate() call
2.4.7 2011-11-03
- Updated POD, removed the filter directive
- Adjusted how singular and multiple values are merged and applied
- Applies default directive at instantiation
2.4.5 2011-11-02
- Updated POD, and Plugins POD
- Updated pattern validator tests and functionality
2.4.4 2011-10-28
- Updated POD, documented writing Plugins
- Added instatiation hook for plugins
2.4.3 2011-10-28
- Refactored the plugin system
2.4.0 2011-10-28
- Updated POD, documented new plugin system
- Added support for a plugin system
2.3.4 2011-10-27
- Updated POD, documented new toggle feature
- Added support for toggling and default directives
- Custom validation now has an auto-generated error message
- Added new directives, (default, depends_on, max alpha digits
sum and symbols as well as min alpha digits sum and symbols
2.1.0 2011-10-27
- Updated POD
- Ability to load (child) related classes
- (Major Fix) Each class now operates independently
2.0.0 2011-10-24
- Updated POD
- Added queue (persistent fields) functionality
- Added stashed attribute and reset, param, and queue methods
1.9.5 2011-10-23
- Completely rewritten with Moose
- Fixed mixin and mixin_field merging policy