Revision history for Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::PadrePlugin

0.05   2010.10.28
	- Refactored code to use Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::Easy (AZAWAWI)
	- Common Padre plugins dependencies are automatically added now
	when building (AZAWAWI).

0.04   2010.10.28
	- CompileTests needs_display and no_display options are enabled
	until my patch is accepted (AZAWAWI)

0.03   2010.10.27
	- Added [LoadTests] with needs_display option enabled. Basically this
	enables us to drop t/00-load.t from all Padre plugins (AZAWAWI)

0.02   2010.10.23
	- Minor POD fix (AZAWAWI)

0.01   2010.10.23
	- First version (AZAWAWI)