Revision history for Padre-Plugin-Alarm

0.08  2010.10.19
	- Renamed to the new Padre 0.43 PO naming scheme (AZAWAWI)
	- Fixed RT #61653: Plugin not compatible with Padre 0.70 (AZAWAWI)
	- Translation files are now copied to share folder using Module::Build's share_dir (AZAWAWI)

0.07  2009.05.31
    - Removed taint mode for test, which lead to some failures (JQUELIN)

0.06  2009.05.26
	- Add Chinese (Traditional) translation (BLUET).
	- Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI).
	- Added Spanish translation (BRUNOV).

0.05  2009.05.18
	- Added translations:
		- Brazilian Portuguese (GARU)
		- French (JQUELIN)
		- Polish (THEREK)
		- Chinese Simpified (FAYLAND)

0.04  2009.02.03
	- Fix

0.03  2009.02.01
	- Compatibility with Padre 0.26

0.02  2008.12.08
	- Fix clear_alarm

0.01  Date/time
	- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.